Gazette Notification - Farmer Welfare & Agriculture, Madhya Pradesh (MP)
List of districts and tehsils to be notified for the season Kharif 2010, under National Agricultural Insurance Scheme
List of districts and tehsils to be notified for the season Kharif 2010, under National Agricultural Insurance Scheme
राष्ट्रीय कृषि बीमा योजनान्तर्गत मौसम खरीफ वर्ष 2010 हेतु अधिसूचित किये जाने के लिये फसलवार जिलों एवं तहसीलों की सूची Full Document
Exemption from mandi fees payable on incentive amount (bonus) announced by the state government in the year 2010 in case of purchase of "wheat" on support price from an institution appointed by the state government
Exemption from mandi fees payable on incentive amount (bonus) announced by the state government in the year 2010 in case of purchase of "wheat" on support price from an institution appointed by the state government
राज्य शासन के द्वारा नियुक्त संस्था से "गेहूँ' की समर्थन मूल्य पर खरीदी करने की स्थिति... Full Document
General election of 230 Agricultural Produce Mandi Committees of the state postponed till the date of July 22, 2010
General election of 230 Agricultural Produce Mandi Committees of the state postponed till the date of July 22, 2010
प्रदेश की 230 कृषि उपज मण्डी समितियों के सामान्य निर्वाचन दिनांक 22 जुलाई 2010 तक की कालावधि के लिये स्थगित Full Document
Regarding setting up of a market at Amarwada to regulate the purchase and sale of agricultural produce
Regarding setting up of a market at Amarwada to regulate the purchase and sale of agricultural produce
कृषि उपज के क्रय विक्रय का विनियमन करने के लिए अमरवाड़ा में एक मण्डी स्थापित करने के संबंध में Full Document
Regarding imposition of mandi fees at the rate of two rupees for every one hundred rupees of price on fruits and vegetables in mandi area of mandi committees
Regarding imposition of mandi fees at the rate of two rupees for every one hundred rupees of price on fruits and vegetables in mandi area of mandi committees
मण्डी समितियों के मण्डी क्षेत्र में फलों एवं सब्जियों पर कीमत के प्रत्येक एक सौ रुपये पर दो रुपये की दर से मण्डी फीस अधिरोपित... Full Document
Information about the remaining matters from the publication of the notified crops in the notified areas published in the Gazette of the Rabi season 2009-10
Information about the remaining matters from the publication of the notified crops in the notified areas published in the Gazette of the Rabi season 2009-10
मौसम रबी 2009-10 के राजपत्र में प्रकाशित अधिसूचित क्षेत्रों में अधिसूचित फसलों की मिलान उपरांत प्रकाशन से शेष रहे हल्कों की जानकारी Full Document