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Exemption from mandi fees payable on the incentive amount (bonus) announced in the Rabi marketing year 2011-12 in case of purchase of "wheat" on support price from an institution appointed by the state government

No: 255, Dated: May 10, 2011
Exemption from mandi fees payable on the incentive amount (bonus) announced in the Rabi marketing year 2011-12 in case of purchase of "wheat" on support price from an institution appointed by the state government राज्य शासन के द्वारा नियुक्त संस्था से "गेहूँ' की समर्थन मूल्य पर खरीदी करने की स्थिति में... Full Document

General election of state mandi committees postponed from May 8, 2011 to May 7, 2012

No: 237, Dated: May 02, 2011
General election of state mandi committees postponed from May 8, 2011 to May 7, 2012 राज्य की मण्डी समितियों का साधारण निर्वाचन 08 मई 2011 से 07 मई 2012 तक की कालावधि के लिए स्थगित Full Document

Exemption from mandi fees payable on incentive amount (bonus) announced in the year 2011 in case of purchase of "wheat" on support price from an institution appointed by the state government

No: 97, Dated: Mar 14, 2011
Exemption from mandi fees payable on incentive amount (bonus) announced in the year 2011 in case of purchase of "wheat" on support price from an institution appointed by the state government राज्य शासन के द्वारा नियुक्त संस्था से "गेहूँ' की समर्थन मूल्य पर खरीदी करने की स्थिति में वर्ष 2011 में... Full Document

Draft of Rules - Madhya Pradesh Krishi Upaj Mandi (Lok Sabha Tatha vidhan Sabha Sadasya Ki Mandi Samiti Me Sadasyata Tatha Pratinidhi Ka Namnirdeshan) Niyam, 2010

No: 43, Dated: Feb 02, 2011
Draft of Rules - Madhya Pradesh Krishi Upaj Mandi (Lok Sabha Tatha vidhan Sabha Sadasya Ki Mandi Samiti Me Sadasyata Tatha Pratinidhi Ka Namnirdeshan) Niyam, 2010 प्रारूप नियम - मध्यप्रदेश कृषि उपज मण्डी (लोक सभा तथा विधान सभा सदस्य की मण्डी समिति में सदस्यता तथा प्रतिनिधि का नामनिर्देशन) नियम, 2010 Full Document

Increase in the duration of Market Committees for a period of six months or till the new election of Market Committees

No: 24, Dated: Jan 20, 2011
Increase in the duration of Market Committees for a period of six months or till the new election of Market Committees मंडी समितियों की अवधि में छ: मास की अवधि के लिए या मंडी समितियों के नये निर्वाचन होने तक वृद्धि Full Document

Amendment in notification issued on 25 June 2010 for Kharif season 2010 under National Agricultural Insurance Scheme

No: 638, Dated: Dec 24, 2010
Amendment in notification issued on 25 June 2010 for Kharif season 2010 under National Agricultural Insurance Scheme राष्ट्रीय कृषि बीमा योजना अन्तर्गत मौसम खरीफ वर्ष 2010 के लिये दिनांक 25 जून 2010 को जारी अधिसूचना में संशोधन Full Document

Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Krishi Upaj Mandi (Mandi Samiti Ka Nirvachan) Rule, 1997

No: 630, Dated: Dec 09, 2010
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Krishi Upaj Mandi (Mandi Samiti Ka Nirvachan) Rule, 1997 मध्यप्रदेश कृषि उपज मण्डी (मण्डी समितियों का निर्वाचन) नियम, 1997 में संशोधन Full Document

Exemption from payment of mandi fees to food processing industry / processors for the purpose of encouraging production of basmati rice from paddy produced in the state

No: 625, Dated: Dec 07, 2010
Exemption from payment of mandi fees to food processing industry / processors for the purpose of encouraging production of basmati rice from paddy produced in the state खाद्य प्रसंस्करण उद्योग/प्रसंस्करणकर्ता को राज्य में उत्पादित धान से बासमती चावल के उत्पादन को प्रोत्साहित करने के उद्देश्य से मण्डी फीस से भुगतान में... Full Document

For every one hundred rupees of the price of agricultural produce cotton, mandi fee fixed at the rate of rupees one instead of two rupees

No: 617, Dated: Nov 30, 2010
For every one hundred rupees of the price of agricultural produce cotton, mandi fee fixed at the rate of rupees one instead of two rupees कृषि उपज कपास की कीमत के प्रत्येक एक सौ रुपये पर दो रुपये की दर के स्थान पर रुपये एक की दर से मण्डी फीस नियत Full Document

Notification for revised National Agricultural Insurance Scheme Rabi 2010-11, on pilot basis in Sheopur district

No: 610, Dated: Nov 25, 2010
Notification for revised National Agricultural Insurance Scheme Rabi 2010-11, on pilot basis in Sheopur district श्योपुर जिले में पायलेट आधार पर संशोधित राष्ट्रीय कृषि बीमा योजना रबी वर्ष 2010-11, के लिए अधिसूचना Full Document

List of Districts and Tehsils Crops and Insurance Companies for Madhya Pradesh State-based (Pilot) Crop Insurance Scheme Weather Rabi Year 2010-11

No: 583, Dated: Nov 16, 2010
List of Districts and Tehsils Crops and Insurance Companies for Madhya Pradesh State-based (Pilot) Crop Insurance Scheme Weather Rabi Year 2010-11 म.प्र.राज्य में मौसम आधारित (पायलेट) फसल बीमा योजना मौसम रबी वर्ष 2010-11 के लिये जिलों एवं तहसीलों फसलों एवं बीमा कम्पनी की सूची   Full Document

General election of state mandi committees postponed from 8 November 2010 to 7 May 2011

No: 580, Dated: Nov 04, 2010
General election of state mandi committees postponed from 8 November 2010 to 7 May 2011 राज्य की मण्डी समितियों का साधारण निर्वाचन 8 नवम्बर 2010 से 7 मई 2011 तक की कालावधि के लिए स्थगित  Full Document

Key points for implementation of National Agricultural Insurance Scheme for the Rabi season 2010-11

No: 575, Dated: Nov 02, 2010
Key points for implementation of National Agricultural Insurance Scheme for the Rabi season 2010-11 राष्ट्रीय कृषि बीमा योजना के मौसम रबी वर्ष 2010-11 के क्रियान्वयन के लिए मुख्य बिंदु Full Document

Draft of amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Krishi Upaj Mandi (Mandi Samiti Ka Nirvachan) Rules, 1997

No: 565, Dated: Oct 26, 2010
Draft of amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Krishi Upaj Mandi (Mandi Samiti Ka Nirvachan) Rules, 1997 मध्यप्रदेश कृषि-उपज मण्डी (मण्डी समिति का निर्वाचन) नियम, 1997 में संशोधन का प्रारूप Full Document

Exemption from mandi fees to food processing industry/processors to encourage their production in the state

No: 526, Dated: Sep 29, 2010
Exemption from mandi fees to food processing industry/processors to encourage their production in the state खाद्य प्रसंस्करण उद्योग/प्रसंस्करणकर्ता को राज्य में उनके उत्पादन को प्रोत्साहित करने हेतु मण्डी फीस से छूट Full Document

List of districts and tehsils to be notified for the Rabi season 2010-11 under the National Agricultural Insurance Scheme

No: 468, Dated: Sep 27, 2010
List of districts and tehsils to be notified for the Rabi season 2010-11 under the National Agricultural Insurance Scheme राष्ट्रीय कृषि बीमा योजनान्तर्गत मौसम रबी वर्ष 2010-11 हेतु अधिसूचित किये जाने के लिये फसलवार जिलों एवं तहसीलों की सूची Full Document

Revised list of tehsils of Sheopur district, to be notified for the season Kharif 2010, under National Agricultural Insurance Scheme

No: 461, Dated: Sep 22, 2010
Revised list of tehsils of Sheopur district, to be notified for the season Kharif 2010, under National Agricultural Insurance Scheme राष्ट्रीय कृषि बीमा योजनान्तर्गत मौसम खरीफ वर्ष 2010, हेतु अधिसूचित किये जाने के लिये फसलवार श्योपुर जिले की तहसीलों की संशोधित सूची Full Document

Revised list of crop wise Patwari circles to be notified for the season Kharif year 2010-11 under National Agricultural Insurance Scheme

No: 429, Dated: Aug 19, 2010
Revised list of crop wise Patwari circles to be notified for the season Kharif year 2010-11 under National Agricultural Insurance Scheme राष्ट्रीय कृषि बीमा योजनान्तर्गत मौसम खरीफ वर्ष 2010-11 हेतु अधिसूचित की जाने वाली फसलवार पटवारी हल्कों की संशोधित सूची Full Document

Revised list of crop wise Patwari circles to be notified for the season Kharif year 2010-11 under National Agricultural Insurance Scheme

No: 426, Dated: Aug 16, 2010
Revised list of crop wise Patwari circles to be notified for the season Kharif year 2010-11 under National Agricultural Insurance Scheme राष्ट्रीय कृषि बीमा योजनान्तर्गत मौसम खरीफ वर्ष 2010-11 हेतु अधिसूचित की जाने वाली फसलवार पटवारी हल्कों की संशोधित सूची Full Document

General election of state mandi committees postponed for the period from July 23, 2010 to November 7, 2010

No: 377, Dated: Jul 20, 2010
General election of state mandi committees postponed for the period from July 23, 2010 to November 7, 2010 राज्य की मंडी समितियों का साधारण निर्वाचन 23 जुलाई, 2010 से 7 नवम्बर, 2010 तक की कालावधि के लिये स्थगित Full Document