Gazette Notification - Energy, Madhya Pradesh (MP)
Determination of fees for tests, inspections and services performed by the Government Electrical Inspector or his assistants
Determination of fees for tests, inspections and services performed by the Government Electrical Inspector or his assistants
सरकार के विद्युत निरीक्षक या उनके सहायकों द्वारा किए जाने वाले परीक्षण, निरीक्षण तथा सेवाओं के लिए फीस का निर्धारण Full Document
Reorganization of two-member committee as Appellate Authority
Reorganization of two-member committee as Appellate Authority
दो सदस्यीय समिति को अपील प्राधिकारी के रुप में पुनर्गठन Full Document
Corrigendum - Madhya Pradesh Gazette (extraordinary number 373), published on 3 August 2011
Corrigendum - Madhya Pradesh Gazette (extraordinary number 373), published on 3 August 2011
शुद्धिपत्र - मध्यप्रदेश राजपत्र (असाधारण क्रमांक 373), दिनांक 3 अगस्त 2011 में प्रकाशित Full Document
Madhya Pradesh State (Establishment of Thermal Power Plants) Land Management Rules, 2011
Madhya Pradesh State (Establishment of Thermal Power Plants) Land Management Rules, 2011
मध्यप्रदेश राज्य (ताप विद्युत संयंत्रों की स्थापना) भूमि प्रबंधन नियम, 2011 Full Document
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Salary, Allownces and other service conditions of chairman and members) Rules, 2000
Amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Salary, Allownces and other service conditions of chairman and members) Rules, 2000
मध्यप्रदेश विद्युत् नियामक आयोग (अध्यक्ष और सदस्यों के वेतन, भत्ते और अन्य सेवा शर्ते) नियम, 2000 में संशोधन Full Document
Corrigendum - Notification No. 1083/2011/1-9, dated 31 March 2011 of Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Annual Confidential Report) Rules, 2011
Corrigendum - Notification No. 1083/2011/1-9, dated 31 March 2011 of Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Annual Confidential Report) Rules, 2011
शुद्धिपत्र - मध्यप्रदेश विद्युत नियामक आयोग (वार्षिक गोपनीय प्रतिवेदन) नियम, 2011 की अधिसूचना क्रमांक 1083/2011/1-9 दिनांक 31 मार्च, 2011 Full Document
Allocation of new capacities and achieve the same objective of maintaining uniform retail tariff in the entire State
Allocation of new capacities and achieve the same objective of maintaining uniform retail tariff in the entire State Full Document
Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Annual Confidential Report) Rules, 2011
Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Annual Confidential Report) Rules, 2011
मध्यप्रदेश विद्युत नियामक आयोग (वार्षिक गोपनीय प्रतिवेदन) नियम, 2011 Full Document
Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Transmission Tariff) Regulations, 2009 (Third Amendment)
Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Transmission Tariff) Regulations, 2009 (Third Amendment)
मध्यप्रदेश विद्युत नियामक आयोग (पारेषण टैरिफ के अवधारण संबंधी निबंधन एवं शर्ते) विनियम, 2009 (तृतीय संशोधन) Full Document
Appointed Executive Engineers as Electrical Inspectors to exercise the powers of the Electrical Inspector and perform the functions in relation to the electrical works and installations under the Rajiv Gandhi Electrification Scheme
Appointed Executive Engineers as Electrical Inspectors to exercise the powers of the Electrical Inspector and perform the functions in relation to the electrical works and installations under the Rajiv Gandhi Electrification Scheme
कार्यपालन यंत्रियों को राजीव गांधी विद्युतीकरण योजना के अन्तर्गत विद्युत् कार्यों तथा संस्थापन के संबंध में विद्युत् निरीक्षक की... Full Document
Order for transfer of employees of Madhya Pradesh State Electricity Board on subsequent terms and conditions in the Entities
Order for transfer of employees of Madhya Pradesh State Electricity Board on subsequent terms and conditions in the Entities
मध्यप्रदेश राज्य विद्युत् मंडल के कार्मिकों का उत्तरवर्ती कम्पनियों (एन्टिटीज) में निबंधनों तथा शर्तों पर अंतरण करने के लिए, आदेश Full Document
Shri RC Sahani, IAS (Retired) Chairman of Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission
Shri RC Sahani, IAS (Retired) Chairman of Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission
श्री आर.सी.साहनी, आय.ए.एस. (से.नि.) को मध्यप्रदेश विद्युत् नियामक आयोग का अध्यक्ष पदाभिहीत Full Document
Madhya Pradesh (Investment in Power Generation Projects) Policy, 2010
Madhya Pradesh (Investment in Power Generation Projects) Policy, 2010 Full Document
State Madhya Pradesh (MP) Category Gazette-Extra Ordinary Tags Rules & Regulations, Schemes -Miscellaneous
Appointment of executive engineers of distribution companies as electrical inspectors
Appointment of executive engineers of distribution companies as electrical inspectors
विद्युत् निरीक्षकों के रूप में वितरण कंपनियों के कार्यपालक इंजीनियरों की नियुक्ति Full Document
Madhya Pradesh (Investment in Power Generation Projects) Policy, 2010
Madhya Pradesh (Investment in Power Generation Projects) Policy, 2010 Full Document
State Madhya Pradesh (MP) Category Gazette-Extra Ordinary Tags Rules & Regulations, Schemes -Miscellaneous
Formation of Committee for re-allocation of Unallocated power of MP Genco Thermal stations
Formation of Committee for re-allocation of Unallocated power of MP Genco Thermal stations Full Document
Directions for efficient use of energy and its conservation in the State of Madhya Pradesh
Directions for efficient use of energy and its conservation in the State of Madhya Pradesh
मध्यप्रदेश राज्य में ऊर्जा के दक्षतापूर्ण उपयोग तथा उसके संरक्षण हेतु निर्देश Full Document
State Madhya Pradesh (MP) Category Gazette-Extra Ordinary Tags Rules & Regulations, Schemes -Miscellaneous
Shri Rakesh Sahni appointed as Advisor, Department of Energy, and Chairman, Electricity Board with effect from 1st February 2010
Shri Rakesh Sahni appointed as Advisor, Department of Energy, and Chairman, Electricity Board with effect from 1st February 2010
श्री राकेश साहनी को दिनांक 1 फरवरी 2010 से सलाहकार, ऊर्जा विभाग, एवं अध्यक्ष, विद्युत् मंडल नियुक्त Full Document