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In relation to notifying Indian Oil Corporation, Limited, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, Reliance Industries Limited and Essar Oil Limited as oil companies for the purpose of sub-section of Madhya Pradesh Wet Act, 2002

No: 600, Dated: Nov 24, 2010
In relation to notifying Indian Oil Corporation, Limited, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, Reliance Industries Limited and Essar Oil Limited as oil companies for the purpose of sub-section of Madhya Pradesh Wet Act, 2002 इंडियन आयल कार्पोरेशन, लिमिटेड, हिन्दुस्तान पेट्रोलियम कार्पोरेशन लिमिटेड, भारत पेट्रोलियम कार्पोरेशन लिमिटेड, रिलायंस इंडस्ट्रीज... Full Document

Madhya Pradesh Niji Vishwavidyalaya (Sthapana Avam Sanchalan) Dwitiya Sanshodhan Adhiniyam, 2010

No: 601, Dated: Nov 24, 2010
Madhya Pradesh Niji Vishwavidyalaya (Sthapana Avam Sanchalan) Dwitiya Sanshodhan Adhiniyam, 2010   Full Document

Madhya Pradesh Appropriation (No. 4) Act, 2010

No: 602, Dated: Nov 24, 2010
Madhya Pradesh Appropriation (No. 4) Act, 2010 Full Document

Madhya Pradesh Kashtha Chiran (Viniyaman) Sanshodhan Adhiniyam, 2010

No: 603, Dated: Nov 24, 2010
Madhya Pradesh Kashtha Chiran (Viniyaman) Sanshodhan Adhiniyam, 2010 Full Document

Madhya Pradesh Nagar Tatha Gram Nivesh (Sanshodhan) Adhiniyam, 2010

No: 604, Dated: Nov 24, 2010
Madhya Pradesh Nagar Tatha Gram Nivesh (Sanshodhan) Adhiniyam, 2010 Full Document

Madhya Pradesh Griha Nirman Mandal (Sanshodhan) Adhiniyam, 2010

No: 605, Dated: Nov 24, 2010
Madhya Pradesh Griha Nirman Mandal (Sanshodhan) Adhiniyam, 2010 Full Document

Madhya Pradesh Rajya Bhumi Vikas Nigam (Nirsan) Adhiniyam, 2010

No: 606, Dated: Nov 24, 2010
Madhya Pradesh Rajya Bhumi Vikas Nigam (Nirsan) Adhiniyam, 2010 Full Document

Regulations for appointment, selection, pay and allowances and other conditions of the services for officers and teachers of the Vishwa Vidyalaya

No: 607, Dated: Nov 24, 2010
Regulations for appointment, selection, pay and allowances and other conditions of the services for officers and teachers of the Vishwa Vidyalaya Full Document

Madhya Pradesh Wood Chiran (Regulation) Amendment Act, 2010

No: 591, Dated: Nov 23, 2010
Madhya Pradesh Wood Chiran (Regulation) Amendment Act, 2010 मध्यप्रदेश काष्ठ चिरान (विनियमन) संशोधन अधिनियम, 2010 Full Document

Madhya Pradesh City and Village Investment (Amendment) Act, 2010

No: 592, Dated: Nov 23, 2010
Madhya Pradesh City and Village Investment (Amendment) Act, 2010 मध्यप्रदेश नगर तथा ग्राम निवेश (संशोधन) अधिनियम, 2010 Full Document

Madhya Pradesh Housing Board (Amendment) Act, 2010

No: 593, Dated: Nov 23, 2010
Madhya Pradesh Housing Board (Amendment) Act, 2010 मध्यप्रदेश गृह-निर्माण मण्डल (संशोधन) अधिनियम, 2010 Full Document

Madhya Pradesh State Land Development Corporation (Repeal) Act, 2010

No: 594, Dated: Nov 23, 2010
Madhya Pradesh State Land Development Corporation (Repeal) Act, 2010 मध्यप्रदेश राज्य भूमि विकास निगम (निरसन) अधिनियम, 2010 Full Document

Madhya Pradesh Private University (Establishment and Operation) Second Amendment Act, 2010

No: 595, Dated: Nov 23, 2010
Madhya Pradesh Private University (Establishment and Operation) Second Amendment Act, 2010 मध्यप्रदेश निजी विश्वविद्यालय (स्थापना एवं संचालन) द्वितीय संशोधन अधिनियम, 2010 Full Document

The Madhya Pradesh Appropriation (Number-4) Act, 2010

No: 596, Dated: Nov 23, 2010
The Madhya Pradesh Appropriation (Number-4) Act, 2010 मध्यप्रदेश विनियोग (क्रमांक-4) अधिनियम, 2010 Full Document

General holidays will be celebrated in all government offices and institutions of Madhya Pradesh

No: 588, Dated: Nov 19, 2010
General holidays will be celebrated in all government offices and institutions of Madhya Pradesh सामान्य (जनरल) छुट्टियां मध्यप्रदेश के समस्त शासकीय कार्यालयों तथा संस्थाओं में मनाई जायेंगी Full Document

Exemption from payment of tax on iron and steel as specified in Entry 1 of Part-1 of Schedule-2 attached to Entry Tax Act

No: 589, Dated: Nov 19, 2010
Exemption from payment of tax on iron and steel as specified in Entry 1 of Part-1 of Schedule-2 attached to Entry Tax Act प्रवेश कर अधिनियम से संलग्न अनुसूची-2 के भाग-एक की प्रविष्टि 1 में यथाविनिर्दिष्ट लोहा तथा इस्पात पर, कर के भुगतान से छूट Full Document

Madhya Pradesh Information Technology (Regulation of Electronic Delivery of Citizen Services and Appointment of Service Provider) Rules, 2010

No: 590, Dated: Nov 19, 2010
Madhya Pradesh Information Technology (Regulation of Electronic Delivery of Citizen Services and Appointment of Service Provider) Rules, 2010 मध्यप्रदेश सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी (नागरिक सेवाओं को इलेक्ट्रानिक माध्यम से प्रदाय तथा सेवा प्रदाता की नियुक्ति का विनियमन) नियम, 2010 Full Document

Khurai-Rajwas Road declared and classified as Major District Road in Madhya Pradesh

No: 584, Dated: Nov 18, 2010
Khurai-Rajwas Road declared and classified as Major District Road in Madhya Pradesh खुरई-रजवास मार्ग को मध्यप्रदेश में मुख्य जिला मार्ग घोषित तथा वर्गीकृत Full Document

Madhya Pradesh Dissolved Caste, Nomadic and Semi Nomadic Caste Self-Employment Scheme Rules, 2010

No: 585, Dated: Nov 18, 2010
Madhya Pradesh Dissolved Caste, Nomadic and Semi Nomadic Caste Self-Employment Scheme Rules, 2010 मध्यप्रदेश विमुक्त जाति, घुमक्कड़ एवं अर्द्ध घुमक्कड़ जाति के स्व-रोजगार योजना नियम, 2010 Full Document

Amendment in the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Madhya Pradesh) Rules, 1985

No: 586, Dated: Nov 18, 2010
Amendment in the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Madhya Pradesh) Rules, 1985 स्वापक ओषधि और मनः प्रभावी पदार्थ (मध्यप्रदेश) नियम, 1985 में संशोधन Full Document