Circular - Scheme-Miscellaneous
Regarding customized package to M/s Gipskarton India Pvt. Ltd.
Regarding customized package to M/s Gipskarton India Pvt. Ltd. Full Document
State Rajasthan (RJ)
Regarding customized package to M/s Wonder Cement Ltd.
Regarding customized package to M/s Wonder Cement Ltd. Full Document
State Rajasthan (RJ)
Regarding customized package to M/s Akshay Infrasys Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Regarding customized package to M/s Akshay Infrasys Industries Pvt. Ltd. Full Document
State Rajasthan (RJ)
Regarding customized package to M/s Jogniya Explosives Private Limited
Regarding customized package to M/s Jogniya Explosives Private Limited Full Document
State Rajasthan (RJ)
Granting benefits to M/s Express Digital Payment Service Pvt. Ltd. under Rajasthan Investment Promotion Scheme 2014
Granting benefits to M/s Express Digital Payment Service Pvt. Ltd. under Rajasthan Investment Promotion Scheme 2014 Full Document
State Rajasthan (RJ)
Regarding customized package to M/s Express Digital Payment Service Private Limited
Regarding customized package to M/s Express Digital Payment Service Private Limited Full Document
State Rajasthan (RJ)
Exemption from electricity duty to M/s Nitin Spinners Limited
Exemption from electricity duty to M/s Nitin Spinners Limited Full Document
State Rajasthan (RJ)
Regarding customized package to M/s Nitin Spinners Limited
Regarding customized package to M/s Nitin Spinners Limited Full Document
State Rajasthan (RJ)
Regarding Rajasthan Investment Promotion Scheme-2014
Regarding Rajasthan Investment Promotion Scheme-2014 Full Document
State Rajasthan (RJ)
Regarding Customized Package to M/s Mahesh Edible Agro Oil Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Regarding Customized Package to M/s Mahesh Edible Agro Oil Industries Pvt. Ltd. Full Document
State Rajasthan (RJ)
Regarding Customized Package to M/s Bikaji Foods International Limited
Regarding Customized Package to M/s Bikaji Foods International Limited Full Document
State Rajasthan (RJ)
Regarding customized package to M/s Rajasthan Textile Mills, Jhalawar
Regarding customized package to M/s Rajasthan Textile Mills, Jhalawar Full Document
State Rajasthan (RJ)
Regarding customized package to M/s Prince Pipes and Fittings Pvt. Ltd., Jaipur
Regarding customized package to M/s Prince Pipes and Fittings Pvt. Ltd., Jaipur Full Document
State Rajasthan (RJ)
Regarding customized package to M/s Welspun Energy Rajasthan Pvt. Ltd., Pratapgarh
Regarding customized package to M/s Welspun Energy Rajasthan Pvt. Ltd., Pratapgarh Full Document
State Rajasthan (RJ)
Concession of stamp duty on lease deeds issued by Local Bodies in respect of land allotted or sold by them
Concession of stamp duty on lease deeds issued by Local Bodies in respect of land allotted or sold by them Full Document
State Rajasthan (RJ)
Clarification for grant of Assured Career Progression Scheme to State Government Employees
Clarification for grant of Assured Career Progression Scheme to State Government Employees Full Document
State Rajasthan (RJ)
Amnesty scheme for exemption from interest and penalty payable on stamp duty
Amnesty scheme for exemption from interest and penalty payable on stamp duty Full Document
State Rajasthan (RJ)
सुशील चन्द्र वर्मा पुरस्कार योजना के संबंध में
सुशील चन्द्र वर्मा पुरस्कार योजना के संबंध में Full Document
State Madhya Pradesh (MP)
प्रब्याजि एवं वार्षिक भू-भाटक निर्धारण के लिए नीति
प्रब्याजि एवं वार्षिक भू-भाटक निर्धारण के लिए नीति
राज्य सरकार, एतद्द्वारा, ऐसे प्रकरणों में जिनमें कृषि भिन्न प्रयोजन के लिए शासकीय भूमि/नजूल भूमि की तात्कालिक आवश्यकता को ध्यान में रखते हुए भूमि का अग्रिम आधिपत्य दिया गया है और ऐसे प्रकरणों में औपचारिक आबंटन आदेश बाद में जारी किए गये हैं... Full Document
State Madhya Pradesh (MP)
निजी पूंजी निवेश के मामलों में सरकारी दखल रहित भूमि के आवंटन के लिए नीति
निजी पूंजी निवेश के मामलों में सरकारी दखल रहित भूमि के आवंटन के लिए नीति
राज्य सरकार, एतद्द्वारा राजस्व पुस्तक परिपत्र खण्ड चार क्रमांक 1 के अंतर्गत चहुँमुखी विकास के लिए निजी पूँजी निवेश के मामलों में सरकारी दखल रहित भूमि के आवंटन के लिए नीति जारी करती है :-
1. राज्य... Full Document
State Madhya Pradesh (MP)