cooperation between Government and its employee
Cooperation between Government and its employee Full Document
Cooperation between Government and its employees
Cooperation between Government and its employees Full Document
Cooperation between Government and its employees
Cooperation between Government and its employees Full Document
विभाग जाँच के मामले-फाइलों की व्यवस्था
विभाग जाँच के मामले-फाइलों की व्यवस्था Full Document
चतुर्थ वर्ग के कर्मचारियों के वर्दी के लिये लगने वाली कपड़े की मात्रा
चतुर्थ वर्ग के कर्मचारियों के वर्दी के लिये लगने वाली कपड़े की मात्रा Full Document
विभागीय जाँच के मामले-फाइलों की व्यवस्था
विभागीय जाँच के मामले-फाइलों की व्यवस्था Full Document
Complaints against Government servant- Action regarding
Complaints against Government servant- Action regarding Full Document
म.प्र. राज्य सतर्कता आयोग द्वारा भेजी गई शिकायतों की जाँच एवं प्रतिवेदन
म.प्र. राज्य सतर्कता आयोग द्वारा भेजी गई शिकायतों की जाँच एवं प्रतिवेदन Full Document
Procedure to be followed by the Departmental Promotion Committee or by the competent authority in the case of officers under suspension and officers against whom enquiries are pending
Procedure to be followed by the Departmental Promotion Committee or by the competent authority in the case of officers under suspension and officers against whom enquiries are pending Full Document
Departmental Enquiries - Period of completion.
Departmental Enquiries - Period of completion. Full Document
साक्षात्कार के स्थान पर आने-जाने हेतु यात्रा भत्ता
साक्षात्कार के स्थान पर आने-जाने हेतु यात्रा भत्ता Full Document
शासकीय सेवा में विकलांगों को आरक्षण एवं सुविधाएँ
शासकीय सेवा में विकलांगों को आरक्षण एवं सुविधाएँ Full Document
Contributions to the National Defence Fund in the shape of land or landed property
Contributions to the National Defence Fund in the shape of land or landed property Full Document
Contribution to the National Defence Fund in the shape of the silver and silver articles
Contribution to the National Defence Fund in the shape of the silver and silver articles Full Document
Payment of subsistence allowance to a Government Servant placed under suspension.
Payment of subsistence allowance to a Government Servant placed under suspension. Full Document
Deposit of contributions to the National Defence Fund into the treasuries
Deposit of contributions to the National Defence Fund into the treasuries Full Document
National Defence Fund - Publicity to names of the donors to the fund
National Defence Fund - Publicity to names of the donors to the fund Full Document
Contributions to the National Defence Fund - Deductions at source from salary bills, privy purse etc.
Contributions to the National Defence Fund - Deductions at source from salary bills, privy purse etc. Full Document
National Defence Fund - Contributions by the pensioners
National Defence Fund - Contributions by the pensioners Full Document
Contributions to the National Defence Fund
Contributions to the National Defence Fund Full Document