Cabinet Decisions - Madhya Pradesh (MP)
Committee headed by PR Minister to recommend allotment of government houses to journalists
A meeting of the state cabinet chaired by Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan here today decided to constitute a committee headed by Public Relations Minister to allot government houses to journalists. The committee will comprise ACS Home and Principal Secretary Public Relations will be its member and Commissioner Public... Full Document
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MP to have 4,305 new anganwadi centres and 600 mini anganwadi centres
A meeting of the state cabinet chaired by Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan here accorded sanction to start 4,305 new anganwadi centres and 600 mini anganwadi centres in the state. As many as 4,305 posts of anganwadi worker, 4,305 assistant and 600 mini anganwadi worker honorarium basis have been... Full Document
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अब चिकित्सक 30 साल की नौकरी के बाद ले सकेंगे वीआरएस
मुख्यमंत्री श्री शिवराजसिंह चौहान की अध्यक्षता में आज हुई मंत्रि-परिषद की बैठक में लोक स्वास्थ्य एवं परिवार कल्याण विभाग के चिकित्सकों के लिए स्वैच्छिक सेवानिवृत्ति की अर्हतादायी सेवा को 25 से बढ़ाकर 30 वर्ष करने का निर्णय लिया गया।
मंत्रि-परिषद ने निर्णय लिया कि ऐसे चिकित्सक जिनकी मूल नियुक्ति चिकित्सा अधिकारी... Full Document
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आई.टी. क्षमता संवर्द्धन केन्द्रों के लिए 108 अस्थाई पद मंजूर
आई.टी. क्षमता संवर्द्धन केन्द्रों के लिए 108 अस्थाई पद मंजूर
मंत्रि-परिषद के निर्णय
भोपाल : सोमवार, फरवरी 8, 2016, 16:30 IST
मुख्यमंत्री श्री शिवराजसिंह चौहान की अध्यक्षता में आज संपन्न मंत्रि-परिषद की बैठक में ई-दक्ष कार्यक्रम के तहत मेप-आईटी में प्रशिक्षण समन्वय इकाई की स्थापना तथा जिला ई-गवर्नेंस सोसायटी के जिलों में स्थापित... Full Document
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भोपाल-चिकलोद मार्ग के बेतवा नदी पुल पर अब नहीं वसूला जाएगा टोल
भोपाल-चिकलोद मार्ग के बेतवा नदी पुल पर अब नहीं वसूला जाएगा टोल
प्रदेश के 32 पुल पथ कर से मुक्त
भोपाल : सोमवार, फरवरी 8, 2016, 20:00 IST
मुख्यमंत्री श्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान की अध्यक्षता में संपन्न मंत्री-परिषद की बैठक में प्रदेश के 32 पुल पर पथ कर समाप्त करने का निर्णय लिया... Full Document
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विनोद मिल, उज्जैन के श्रमिकों को मिलेगी उनकी राशि
विनोद मिल, उज्जैन के श्रमिकों को मिलेगी उनकी राशि
भोपाल : मंगलवार, जनवरी 19, 2016, 18:55 IST
मंत्रि-परिषद ने आज विनोद मिल, उज्जैन के बंद हो जाने से वहाँ लगभग 4,500 मजदूर के स्वत्वों तथा मिल के ऊपर अन्य देय दायित्वों के भुगतान के संबंध में उच्च न्यायालय में प्रचलित प्रकरण में राज्य... Full Document
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Sanction to 35 years of age for outsider applicants in state government service
A meeting of the state cabinet chaired by Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan here today decided to amend age limit for direct recruitment posts in state government service. Now, upper age limit for applicants for such posts for candidates from outside the state has been reduced from 40 to... Full Document
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Residential pattas to eligible beneficiaries at Gandhi Nagar, Bhopal
A meeting of the state cabinet chaired by Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan here today endorsed distribution of residential pattas to eligible persons at Gandhi Nagar, Bhopal.
In Gandhi Nagar, Bhopal (village Pipalner and Gondarmau), 106.76 acre land of Airport Authority of India is under encroachments for several years. With... Full Document
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तीन मेडिकल कॉलेज के लिये लगभग 750 करोड़ की प्रशासकीय स्वीकृति
तीन मेडिकल कॉलेज के लिये लगभग 750 करोड़ की प्रशासकीय स्वीकृति
आठ महाविद्यालय में नवीन संकाय/विषय/स्नातकोत्तर कक्षाएँ शुरू करने की मंजूरी
मंत्रि-परिषद् के निर्णय
भोपाल : मंगलवार, दिसम्बर 1, 2015, 15:18 IST
मुख्यमंत्री श्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान की अध्यक्षता में आज सम्पन्न मंत्रि-परिषद् की बैठक में रतलाम, विदिशा और शहडोल के मेडिकल कॉलेज के... Full Document
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लोक अभियोजन से जुड़े कार्य होंगे आसान : 605 नए पद मंजूर
लोक अभियोजन से जुड़े कार्य होंगे आसान : 605 नए पद मंजूर
मंत्रि-परिषद के निर्णय
भोपाल : सोमवार, नवम्बर 23, 2015, 17:03 IST
प्रदेश में लोक अभियोजन से संबंधित कार्य आसान होंगे। राज्य मंत्रि-परिषद ने लोक अभियोजन के मैदानी अमले को सशक्त बनाने के लिए राजधानी से तहसील स्तर तक कुल 605 नए... Full Document
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Sanction to fill 200 posts of Forest Guard through promotions
Sanction to fill 200 posts of Forest Guard through promotions
29 temporary posts and Law & Legislative Affairs Department to be changed till February 2020
Cabinet decisions
Bhopal : Tuesday, November 3, 2015, 19:30 IST
The state cabinet at its meeting chaired by Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan here decided to fill 200... Full Document
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Sanction to frame "State Service Exam Rules-2015"
Sanction to frame "State Service Exam Rules-2015"
20-bed hospital to be established at Omkareshwar
Bhopal : Wednesday, October 28, 2015, 19:27 IST
A meeting of the state cabinet chaired by Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan here today to replace State Public Service Commission's 'State Service Exam Rules-2008' by 'State Service Exam... Full Document
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Poor to get grant for houses under Pradhan Mantri Aawas Yojana
Poor to get grant for houses under Pradhan Mantri Aawas Yojana
6 percent DA sanctioned to government servants
Bhopal : Friday, October 16, 2015, 19:20 IST
A state cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan here today decided to give grant of Rs. 2 lakh to the urban poor... Full Document
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Land for Chutka nuclear plant allotted
Land for Chutka nuclear plant allotted
Bhopal : Tuesday, September 22, 2015, 15:20 IST
The state government has allotted 41 hectare land for Chutka nuclear plant. This was decided at a cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan here today. Union Atomic Energy Department’s undertaking Nuclear Power Corporation... Full Document
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Bhopal : Tuesday, September 8, 2015, 21:00 IST
Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) would be implemented in 32 cities of Madhya Pradesh. It was decided by the state cabinet at its meeting chaired... Full Document
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E-Mail Service Management Unit to be set in MAP-IT
E-Mail Service Management Unit to be set in MAP-IT
“Exam Management Committee” to conduct Computer Proficiency and Certificate Test
Bhopal : Tuesday, August 25, 2015, 19:04 IST
At its meeting chaired by Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan here today, the cabinet sanctioned establishment of E-Mail Service Management Unit in MAP-IT. The... Full Document
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Student’s education loan not to be repaid by family in case of death
Student’s education loan not to be repaid by family in case of death
Contractors’ registration process simplified
Bhopal : Tuesday, August 18, 2015, 18:07 IST
At its meeting chaired by Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan here today, the cabinet took an important decision that family of student will not have to... Full Document
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Revised administrative sanction of Rs. 501.13 crore for 8 roads
Revised administrative sanction of Rs. 501.13 crore for 8 roads
Bharat Rakshit Vahini to be raised in Balaghat
Motor Vehicle Drivers-Conductors Welfare Scheme-2015 endorsed
Bhopal : Tuesday, August 4, 2015, 18:13 IST
A meeting of the state cabinet chaired by Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan sanctioned over Rs. 500 crore for construction... Full Document
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Datia and Khandwa to have medical colleges
Datia and Khandwa to have medical colleges
CC TVs to be installed in 62 big cities
16 new ITIs in state
Bhopal : Tuesday, July 28, 2015, 20:40 IST
Two new medical colleges will be opened in the state. This was decided by the state cabinet at its meeting chaired by Chief Minister... Full Document
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Mukhyamantri Shahari Swachchhata Mission and Swachchh Bharat Abhiyan merged
Mukhyamantri Shahari Swachchhata Mission and Swachchh Bharat Abhiyan merged
Milk to be served in anganwadis 3 days a week
Bhopal : Tuesday, July 14, 2015, 17:30 IST
For strengthening urban sanitation arrangement in the state, Mukhyamantri Shahari Swachchhata Mission being implemented at the state level has been merged into Swachchh Bharat Mission.... Full Document
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