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Cabinet approves extension of applicability of New Investment Policy (NIP) - 2012

No: --, Dated: Jun 09, 2021

Cabinet approves extension of applicability of New Investment Policy (NIP) - 2012 read with its amendment to the Ramagundam Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited   The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs chaired by... Full Document

State India Category General

Cabinet approves Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for Kharif Crops for marketing season 2021-22

No: --, Dated: Jun 09, 2021

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved the increase in the Minimum Support Prices (MSPs) for all mandated Kharif crops for marketing... Full Document

State India Category General

मुख्यमंत्री श्री चौहान की अध्यक्षता में मंत्रि-परिषद की बैठक संपन्न

No: --, Dated: Jun 08, 2021

मुख्यमंत्री श्री चौहान की अध्यक्षता में मंत्रि-परिषद की बैठक संपन्न राज्य निर्वाचन आयोग के पदों का प्रवर्तन मुख्यमंत्री श्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान की अध्यक्षता में आज मंत्रालय में हुई मंत्रि-परिषद की बैठक... Full Document

State Madhya Pradesh (MP) Category General

Cabinet Decision of Bihar Government-08/06/2021

No: --, Dated: Jun 08, 2021

Cabinet Decision of Bihar Government-08/06/2021 Full Document

State Bihar (BR) Category General

MoU between India and Maldives on cooperation in the field of sustainable urban development

No: --, Dated: Jun 02, 2021

The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi was apprised of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), Government... Full Document

State India Category General

Agreement on “Cooperation in the field of Mass Media” between all the Member States of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

No: --, Dated: Jun 02, 2021

Cabinet approves Signing and Ratification of an Agreement on “Cooperation in the field of Mass Media” between all the Member States of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation The Union Cabinet, chaired by the... Full Document

State India Category General

MoU between India and Argentine Republic on cooperation in the field of Mineral Resources

No: --, Dated: Jun 02, 2021

Cabinet approves Memorandum of Understanding between India and Argentine Republic on cooperation in the field of Mineral Resources The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved... Full Document

State India Category General

Memorandum of Cooperation between India and Japan in the field of sustainable urban development

No: --, Dated: Jun 02, 2021

Cabinet approves Memorandum of Cooperation between India and Japan in the field of sustainable urban development   The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approvedthesigning of Memorandum... Full Document

State India Category General

Cabinet approves Model Tenancy Act for circulation to the States/Union Territories for adoption

No: --, Dated: Jun 02, 2021

Cabinet approves Model Tenancy Act for circulation to the States/Union Territories for adoption   The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the Model Tenancy Act for circulation... Full Document

State India Category General

Cabinet Decision of Bihar Government-01-06-2021

No: --, Dated: Jun 01, 2021

Cabinet Decision of Bihar Government-01-06-2021 Full Document

State Bihar (BR) Category General

सुपोषित मध्यप्रदेश के लिए पोषण नीति-2020 का अनुमोदन

No: --, Dated: Jun 01, 2021

सुपोषित मध्यप्रदेश के लिए पोषण नीति-2020 का अनुमोदन मुख्यमंत्री श्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान की अध्यक्षता में वीडियो कॉन्फ्रेंसिंग के माध्यम से आज हुई मंत्रि-परिषद की बैठक में प्रदेश के सभी समुदायों... Full Document

State Madhya Pradesh (MP) Category General

MoUs entered into by Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICoAl) and Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) with Foreign Countries/Organisations

No: --, Dated: May 25, 2021

The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has granted ex-post facto approval to the Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) entered into by Institute of Cost Accountants of... Full Document

State India Category General

Cabinet approves Creation of one post of Director in Senior Administrative Grade (SAG)

No: --, Dated: May 25, 2021

The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the proposal of the Ministry of Home Affairs for creation of one (01) post of Director in... Full Document

State India Category General

Cabinet approves Opening of a new Consulate General of India in Addu City, Maldives

No: --, Dated: May 25, 2021

The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the opening of a new Consulate General of India in Addu City, Maldives in 2021. India and Maldives share... Full Document

State India Category General

मुख्यमंत्री कोविड-19 अनुकंपा नियुक्ति योजना को मंत्रि-परिषद का अनुमोदन

No: --, Dated: May 25, 2021

मुख्यमंत्री कोविड-19 अनुकंपा नियुक्ति योजना को मंत्रि-परिषद का अनुमोदन मुख्यमंत्री श्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान के अध्यक्षता में मंगलवार को मंत्रि-परिषद की वर्चुअल बैठक हुई। मंत्रि-परिषद की बैठक में कोविड-19 महामारी के... Full Document

State Madhya Pradesh (MP) Category General

Cabinet Decisions - Chhattisgarh (CG) - 18/05/2021

No: --, Dated: May 18, 2021

मुख्यमंत्री श्री भूपेश बघेल की अध्यक्षता में आज यहां उनके निवास कार्यालय में मंत्री परिषद की वर्चुवल बैठक आयोजित की गई। बैठक में निम्नानुसार महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय लिए गए।  1- लद्दाख इंडोचाइना सीमा... Full Document

State Chhattisgarh (CG) Category General

कोरोना महामारी रोकथाम के लिये कलेक्टर्स को 104 करोड़ आवंटित करने का अनुसमर्थन

No: --, Dated: May 14, 2021

कोरोना महामारी रोकथाम के लिये कलेक्टर्स को 104 करोड़ आवंटित करने का अनुसमर्थन मुख्यमंत्री श्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान की अध्यक्षता में आज मंत्रि-परिषद की वर्चुअल बैठक में कोविड-19 संक्रमण की तीव्रता... Full Document

State Madhya Pradesh (MP) Category General

Cabinet approves Memorandum of Understanding between Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and Qatar Financial Centre Authority

No: --, Dated: May 12, 2021

The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and Qatar Financial... Full Document

State India Category General

Cabinet approves transfer of land of ITBP to Government of Uttarakhand

No: --, Dated: May 12, 2021

Cabinet approves transfer of land of ITBP to Government of Uttarakhand for development of Aerial Passenger Ropeway System   The Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved transfer... Full Document

State India Category General

Cabinet approves Production Linked Incentive scheme “National Programme on Advanced Chemistry Cell Battery Storage”

No: --, Dated: May 12, 2021

The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved the proposal of Department of Heavy Industry for implementation of the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme 'National Programme on... Full Document

State India Category General