No: ----- Dated: Feb, 28 2014

Integrated Child Protection Scheme


The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) today gave its approval for continuation of the Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) in the XII Plan, with enhanced financial norms. The total financial implication for the XII Plan period would be Rs. 3000.33 crore, which includes a Central share of Rs. 2350 crore and a State share of Rs. 650.33 crore.


The approval of the revised scheme with enhanced financial norms at par with other existing government schemes and flexibility in staffing and structural patterns etc. will:


1.      prevent attrition and help in recruitment of skilled child protection personnel;

2.      ensure  sufficient  nutrition  and  minimum  required  facilities  are  provided  to children;

3.      promote convergence with other schemes being run by government or NGOs to reduce staff cost and build linkages between existing programs; and

4.      help State/UTs to provide child protection services in a more cost effective manner.


The ICPS is a Centrally sponsored program for child protection, being implemented across the country from 2009-10. It was conceived at the beginning of the XI Plan period, when children were placed at the "centre of development' by the XI Plan and protection of children from abuse and exploitation was stated to be integral to their holistic growth and development.   The scheme was introduced with an allocation of Rs 1071.03 crore as Central share (total project cost being Rs 1338.06 crore including State Government and NGO share) for the XI Plan period (2007-12).  Its aims was to address gaps in existing initiatives and putting in place, a safety net of exclusive structures, services and trained personnel for the protection of children in difficult circumstances. It provides financial resources to States/UT Administrations for the effective implementation of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 (JJ Act) and brings together piecemeal initiatives on child protection.


Implementation of the scheme for nearly five years now has highlighted the urgent need for, revision of financial norms and provision of flexibility to secure effective implementation of programs and services for protection of children. It has also brought out the necessity for continuation of protection services introduced under ICPS. Accordingly, norms have been enhanced for, construction (Rs. 1000/sq.ft. from Rs. 600/sq.ft. earlier); maintenance grant in homes, open shelters, specialized adoption agencies from existing Rs. 750 per child per month to Rs. 2000 per child per month; salaries as well as other recurring administrative costs.

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