No: ----- Dated: Feb, 06 2014

Grant-in-aid Scheme for Inter-Sectoral Convergence and Coordination for Promotion and Guidance on Health Research during the 12th Plan period


The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has approved the proposal of the Department of Health Research in the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare for the Grant-in-aid scheme for Inter-Sectoral Convergence and Coordination for Promotion and Guidance on Health Research during the 12th Plan period at an estimated cost of Rs.1242 crore covering about 750 projects of different duration and cost.


The Scheme will have the following components for funding:


Research studies with emphasis on public health: The objective of this component is to support research studies on disease burden, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment, etc of major diseases. There will be about 290 studies for duration of one to three years, at a total estimated cost of Rs.289 crore.

Translational Research Projects: The objective of this component is to translate the already identified leads into products and processes in the area of human healthcare, through coordination among the agencies involved in basic, clinical and operational research for use in the public health system. There will be 115 programmes of one to four years duration at a total estimated cost of Rs. 510 crore. These will comprise 75 leads already available with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), 25 leads from Extramural projects funded by ICMR and 15 leads from other Science & Technology departments/organisations.

Inter-sectoral co-ordination including funding of Joint Projects: The Objective of this component is to promote joint/collaborative research projects with other agencies involved in bio-medical/health research in the country for optimum use of resources and transfer of knowledge. There will be 180 projects of two to three years duration, at a total estimated cost of Rs.298 crore.

Cost effectiveness analysis of health technologies through a health technology assessment system: The aim of the studies would be to come up with appropriate recommendations and guidelines on cost effective but viable technology/process/diagnostics for managing various diseases, to facilitate public choice and controlling health care costs, while maximizing health outcomes. There will be 170 projects of one to three years duration at a total cost of Rs.136 crore.

Support to ICMR and non-ICMR scientists for participation in conferences abroad in identified priority areas of the Department and conduct of national and international seminars and conferences: The component is intended to provide financial support for taking part in international workshops/conferences/seminars/symposia etc. The activity of organizing international conferences/seminars/symposia to share experiences on health research issues identified as priority areas by the Department of Health Research is also covered under this component. The cost of this component is Rs. six crore.

The vision of the Department of Health Research is to bring modern health technology to the people through innovations related to diagnostics, treatment methods and vaccines for prevention; to translate them into affordable products and processes and introduce these innovations into the public health service in synergy with concerned organizations.

The Department has planned to provide support in the form of grant-in-aid to for carrying out research studies to identify the existing knowledge gap and to translate existing health leads into deliverable products. There will be special focus on encouraging innovations, their translation and implementation by strengthening inter-sectoral collaboration and cooperation with other agencies/departments engaged in selected aspects. Further there will be special stress on implementation research so that there is complementation and a better utilization of available knowledge.

Recent Cabinet Decisions