No: --- Dated: Dec, 28 2018


The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has been apprised of Framework Agreement between India and Sao Tome & Principe on Cooperation in the Exploration and Uses of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes.  The Framework Agreement was signed in New Delhi, on 7th September 2018.

Salient features:

  1. The Framework Agreement will provide impetus to explore newer research activities and application possibilities in the field of remote sensing of the earth; satellite communication; satellite navigation; space science and exploration of outer space.
  2. This Framework Agreement would lead to developing a host of joint activities in the field of application of space technologies for the benefit of humanity. Thus all sections and regions of both the countries are benefited.


Major Impact:                                               

          The Framework Agreement will provide impetus to explore newer research activities and application possibilities in the field of remote sensing of the earth; satellite communication; satellite navigation; space science and exploration of outer space. It would lead to develop a host of joint activities in the field of application of space technologies for the benefit of humanity. Thus all sections and regions of both the countries are benefited.


  1. Subsequent to communications from the Ministry of External Affairs (Nov. 2017) and the National Security Council Secretariat - NSCS (Jan. 2018) seeking the views of Department of Space (DOS) on the Government of Democratic Republic of Sao-Tome and Principe's interests for space cooperation with India including consideration of DoS setting up a satellite tracking station in Sao-Tome and Principe and its financial implications, ISRO carried out a preliminary study of the geographical location of Sao-Tome and Principe and conveyed to NSCS the suitability of Sao-Tome and Principe for an Indian Satellite Ground Station and the financial implications of establishing it.
  2. Further, in the last week of March 2018, a Letter of Intent (LOI) was signed between Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) represented by Chairman, ISRO and the Government of the Republic of Sao-Tome and Principe represented by its Minister for Foreign Affairs and Communities on installation and operation of a ground station in Sao-Tome and Principe for Indian space programme.


  1. On the invitation of Sao-Tome and Principe authorities, an expert team from ISRO visited the islands of Sao-Tome and Principe and identified a suitable parcel of land for establishing the ground station. Since establishing the ground station is a specific activity and further cooperation between both the countries is required to derive the benefit of the ground station by employing suitable technology elements, it was accepted by both the countries to sign a Framework Agreement covering multiple activities related to space under the heading of "Cooperation in the Exploration and Uses of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes".

Courtesy – Press Information Bureau, Government of India​

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