Lushai Hills (Change of Name) Act, 1954 In Hindi

No: 18, Dated: Apr 29, 1954
लुशाई पहाड़ी (नाम-परिवर्तन) अधिनियम, 1954 Lushai Hills (Change of Name) Act, 1954 In Hindi Full Document
State India

Transfer of Evacuee Deposits Act, 1954 In Hindi

No: 15, Dated: Mar 26, 1954
निष्कान्त निक्षेप अन्तरण अधिनियम, 1954 Transfer of Evacuee Deposits Act, 1954 In Hindi Full Document
State India

High Court Judges (Conditions of Service) Act, 1954 In Hindi

No: 28, Dated: Mar 20, 1954
उच्च न्यायालय न्यायाधीश (वेतन और सेवा शर्त) अधिनियम, 1954 High Court Judges (Conditions of Service) Act, 1954 In Hindi Full Document
State India

Coir Industry Act, 1953 In Hindi

No: 45, Dated: Dec 23, 1953
कयर उद्योग अधिनियम, 1953 Coir Industry Act, 1953 In Hindi Full Document
State India

Calcutta High Court (Extension of Jurisdiction) Act, 1953 In Hindi

No: 41, Dated: Dec 18, 1953
कलकत्ता उच्च न्यायालय (अधिकारिता विस्तारण) अधिनियम, 1953 Calcutta High Court (Extension of Jurisdiction) Act, 1953 In Hindi Full Document
State India

Andhra State Act, 1953 In Hindi

No: 30, Dated: Sep 14, 1953
आंध्र राज्य अधिनियम, 1953 Andhra State Act, 1953 In Hindi Full Document
State India

Tea Act, 1953 In Hindi

No: 29, Dated: May 28, 1953
चाय अधिनियम, 1953 Tea Act, 1953 In Hindi Full Document
State India

Salaries and Allowances of Officers of Parliament Act, 1953 In Hindi

No: 20, Dated: May 16, 1953
संसद् अधिकारी वेतन और भत्ता अधिनियम, 1953 Salaries and Allowances of Officers of Parliament Act, 1953 In Hindi Full Document
State India

Scheduled Areas (Assimilation of Laws) Act, 1953 In Hindi

No: 16, Dated: May 06, 1953
अनुसूचित क्षेत्र (विधियों की एकरूपता) अधिनियम, 1953 Scheduled Areas (Assimilation of Laws) Act, 1953 In Hindi Full Document
State India

Forward Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1952 In Hindi

No: 74, Dated: Dec 26, 1952
अग्रिम संविदा (विनियमन) अधिनियम, 1952 Forward Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1952 In Hindi Full Document
State India

State Armed Police Forces (Extension of Laws) Act, 1952 In Hindi

No: 63, Dated: Aug 22, 1952
राज्‍य सशस्‍त्र पुलिस बल (विधियों का विस्‍तारण) अधिनियम, 1952 State Armed Police Forces (Extension of Laws) Act, 1952 In Hindi Full Document
State India

Reserve and Auxiliary Air Forces Act, 1952 In Hindi

No: 62, Dated: Aug 22, 1952
रिजर्व और सहायक वायु सेना अधिनियम, 1952 Reserve and Auxiliary Air Forces Act, 1952 In Hindi Full Document
State India

Commission of Inquiry Act, 1952

No: 60, Dated: Aug 14, 1952
जांच आयोग अधिनियम, 1952  (1952 का अधिनियम संख्यांक 60) [14 अगस्त, 1952]    जांच आयोगों की नियुक्ति के लिए तथा ऐसे आयोगों में  कतिपय शक्तियां निहित करने के लिए उपबन्ध बनाने के लिए  अधिनियम  संसद् द्वारा निम्नलिखित रूप में यह अधिनियमित हो : 1. संक्षिप्त नाम, विस्तार और प्रारम्भ - (1) यह अधिनियम जांच आयोग अधिनियम, 1952 कहा जा... Full Document
State India

Salaries and Allowances of Ministers Act, 1952 In Hindi

No: 58, Dated: Aug 12, 1952
मंत्रियों के सम्‍बलमों और भत्तों से संबंधित अधिनियम, 1952 Salaries and Allowances of Ministers Act, 1952 In Hindi Full Document
State India

Notaries Act, 1952 In Hindi

No: 53, Dated: Aug 09, 1952
नोटेरी अधिनियम, 1952 Notaries Act, 1952 In Hindi Full Document
State India

Cinematograph Act, 1952 in Hindi

No: 37, Dated: Mar 21, 1952
चलचित्र अधिनियम, 1952 Cinematograph Act, 1952 in Hindi Cinematograph (Amendment) Act, 2023 Full Document
State India

Mines Act, 1952 In Hindi

No: 35, Dated: Mar 15, 1952
खान अधिनियम, 1952 Mines Act, 1952 In Hindi Full Document
State India

Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Act, 1952 In Hindi

No: 31, Dated: Mar 14, 1952
राष्‍ट्रपतीय और उपराष्‍ट्रपतीय निर्वाचन अधिनियम, 1952 Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Act, 1952 In Hindi Full Document
State India

Requisitioning and Acquisition of Immovable Property Act, 1952 In Hindi

No: 30, Dated: Mar 14, 1952
स्‍थावर संपत्ति अधिग्रहण और अर्जन अधिनियम, 1952 Requisitioning and Acquisition of Immovable Property Act, 1952 In Hindi Full Document
State India

Inflammable Substances Act, 1952 In Hindi

No: 20, Dated: Mar 06, 1952
ज्वलनशील पदार्थ अधिनियम, 1952 Inflammable Substances Act, 1952 In Hindi Full Document
State India