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Jharkhand Bhoodan Yagna Act, 1954

No: 22, Dated: Jul 21, 1954
Jharkhand Bhoodan Yagna Act, 1954 Bihar Act 22 of 1954     An Act to facilitate the donation of lands in connection with the Bhoodan Yagna initiated by Shri Acharya Vinoba Bhave and to provide for the settlement of such lands with landless persons [or with a village community, Gram Panchayat, or with... Full Document
Category Acts And Amendments Department Law

Bihar Prevention of Beggary Act, 1951

No: 1, Dated: Jan 23, 1952
Bihar Prevention of Beggary Act, 1951 Bihar Act 1 of 1952     An Act to check begging and reclaim children accompanying beggars and make them useful citizens;     Whereas it is expedient to check begging are reclaim children accompanying beggars and make them useful citizens;     It is hereby enacted as... Full Document
Category Acts And Amendments Department Law

बिहार उच्च न्याय सेवा नियमावली, 1951

No: --, Dated: Jul 31, 1951
1. संक्षिप्त नाम और प्रारम्भ--(1) यह नियमावली "बिहार उच्च न्याय सेवा  नियमावली 1951" कहलायगी।  (2) यह 21 अक्तूबर, 1946 को लागू समझी जायगी। 2. परिभाषाएं :- जबतक कोई बात विषय या प्रसंग के विरुद्ध न हो, इस नियमावली में      (क) “संवर्ग" से तात्पर्य है बिहार उच्च -न्यायसेवा का संवर्ग .     (ख) “सीधे... Full Document
Category Acts And Amendments Department Appointment

Bihar Factories Rules, 1950

No: --, Dated: Nov 30, 1950
Bihar Factories Rules, 1950 In exercise of the powers conferred by the Factories Act, 1948 (LXIII of 1948), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to make the following rules, the same having been previously published as required under section 115 of the said Act :_ Short title, extent ard commencement.-(1) These rules may be cited... Full Document
Category Rules, Regulations & Amendments Department Law

Bihar Official Language Act, 1950

No: 39, Dated: Nov 29, 1950
Bihar Official Language Act, 1950 Bihar Act 39 of 1950     An Act to provide for the adoption of Hindi in Devanagari script as the language to be used for the official purposes of the State of Bihar.     Where, it is expedient to provide for the adoption of Hindi in... Full Document
Category Acts And Amendments Department Law

Bihar Goshala Act, 1950

No: 28, Dated: Sep 27, 1950
Bihar Goshala Act, 1950 (Bihar Act 28 of 1950)     An Act to provide for better management and control of Goshalas in the State of Bihar     Whereas it is expedient to provide for the better management and control of goshalas in the State of Bihar;     It is hereby enacted as follows:- 1. Short title,... Full Document
Category Acts And Amendments Department Law

Bihar Land Reforms Act, 1950

No: 30, Dated: Apr 01, 1950
Bihar Land Reforms Act, 1950 (Bihar Act 30 of 1950)     An Act to provide for the transference to the State of the interests of proprietors and tenure-holders in land and of the mortgagees and lessees of such interests including interests in trees, forests, fisheries, jalkars, ferries, hats, bazars, mines and... Full Document
Category Acts And Amendments Department Law

Ranchi District Tana Bhagat Raiyats Agricultural Lands Restoration Act, 1947

No: 2, Dated: Jan 27, 1948
Ranchi District Tana Bhagat Raiyats Agricultural Lands Restoration Act, 1947 Bihar Act 2 of 1948     An Act to provide for the restoration to [Tana Bhagat] Raiyats of Certain Agricultural Lands in the District of Ranchi sold for arrears of rent in pursuance of any [Freedom movement] launched or believed to have been launched in any of... Full Document
Category Acts And Amendments Department Law

Bihar Molasses (Control) Act, 1947

No: 6, Dated: Jun 16, 1947
The Bihar Molasses (Control) Act, 1947 Bihar Act 6 of 1947     An Act to provide for the control of the distribution, supply, storage and price of molasses produced by factories in the State of Bihar.     Whereas, it is expedient to provide for the control of the distribution, supply, storage... Full Document
Category Acts And Amendments Department Law

Bihar Co-operative Societies Act, 1935

No: 6, Dated: May 29, 1935
Bihar Co-operative Societies Act, 1935 Act 6 of 1935     An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating the Societies in the State of Bihar [x x x] Preamble. - Whereas it is expedient to facilitate the formation, working and consolidation of co-operative societies for the promotion of thrift, self help and mutual... Full Document
Category Acts And Amendments Department Law

Chota Nagpur Tenure-Holder's Rent Account Act, 1929

No: 1, Dated: May 18, 1929
Chota Nagpur Tenure Holders' Rent Account Act, 1929 (Bihar and Orissa Act 1 of 1929)     An Act to protect the interest of sharers in permanent tenures from sale by reason of the default of their co-sharers.     Preamble. - Whereas it is expedient to give to certain share holders in permanent tenures... Full Document
Category Acts And Amendments Department Law