Acts & Rules
West Bengal State Laws ( Extension To Cooch Behar ) Act, 1950
THE WEST BENGAL STATE LAWS (EXTENSION TO COOCH BEHAR) ACT, 1950 West Bengal Act XXX of 1950 An Act to provide for the extension of certain laws to Cooch... Full Document
Indian Registration (West Bengal Amendment) Act, 1950
THE INDIAN REGISTRATION (WEST BENGAL AMENDMENT) ACT, 1950 West Bengal Act XXIX of 1950 An Act further to amend the Indian Registration Act, 1908, in its application to West Bengal. ... Full Document
Assam Jute (Control of Prices) Act, 1950
Assam Jute (Control of Prices) Act, 1950 Full Document
Opium and Revenue Laws (Extension of Application) Act, 1950 In Hindi
अफीम और राजस्व विधि (लागू होना विस्तारण) अधिनियम, 1950 Opium and Revenue Laws (Extension of Application) Act, 1950 In Hindi Full Document
Opium and Revenue Laws (Extension of Application) Act, 1950 in Assamese
Opium and Revenue Laws (Extension of Application) Act, 1950 in Assamese Full Document
Opium and Revenue Laws (Extension of Application) Act, 1950 in Marathi
Opium and Revenue Laws (Extension of Application) Act, 1950 in Marathi Full Document
Opium and Revenue Laws (extension of Application) Act 1950 in Tamil
Opium and Revenue Laws (extension of Application) Act 1950 in Tamil Full Document
Union Territories (Laws) Act, 1950 In Hindi
संघ राज्यक्षेत्र (विधि) अधिनियम, 1950 Union Territories (Laws) Act, 1950 In Hindi Full Document
Union Territories (Laws) Act, 1950
THE UNION TERRITORIES (LAWS) ACT 1950 ACT NO. 30 OF 1950 An Act to provide for the extension of laws to certain Union territories. BE it enacted by Parliament as... Full Document
Transfer of Prisoners Act, 1950 In Hindi
बन्दी अंतरण अधिनियम, 1950 Transfer of Prisoners Act, 1950 In Hindi Full Document
Transfer of Prisoners Act, 1950 in Punjabi
Transfer of Prisoners Act, 1950 in Punjabi Full Document
Transfer of Prisoners Act, 1950 in Marathi
Transfer of Prisoners Act, 1950 in Marathi Full Document
Transfer Of Prisoners Act, 1950
The Transfer Of Prisoners Act, 1950 (Act No. 29 of 1950) An Act to provide for the removal from one State to another of persons confined in a prison. BE it enacted... Full Document
Assam Land-Revenue, Rent and Cess (Apportionment) Act, 1950
THE ASSAM LAND-REVENUE, RENT AND CESS (APPORTIONMENT) ACT, 1950 ASSAM ACT XIV OF 1950 An Act to apportion and fix the land-revenues, rents and cesses in respect of the... Full Document
Drugs (Control) Act, 1950 in Urdu
Drugs (Control) Act, 1950 in Urdu Full Document
Drugs (Control) Act, 1950 in Telugu
Drugs (Control) Act, 1950 in Telugu Full Document
Drugs (Control) Act, 1950 in Punjabi
Drugs (Control) Act, 1950 in Punjabi Full Document
Drugs (Control) Act, 1950 in Marathi
Drugs (Control) Act, 1950 in Marathi Full Document
Drugs (Control) Act, 1950 in Tamil
Drugs (Control) Act, 1950 in Tamil Full Document
West Bengal Animal Slaughter Control Act, 1950
THE WEST BENGAL ANIMAL SLAUGHTER CONTROL ACT, 1950 West Bengal Act XXII of 1950 An Act to control the slaughter of certain animals. Whereas it is expedient to control the... Full Document