Acts & Rules
Cooch-Behar (Assimilation of Laws) Act, 1950 In Hindi
कूच-बिहार (विधियों की एकरूपता) अधिनियम, 1950 Cooch-Behar (Assimilation of Laws) Act, 1950 In Hindi Full Document
Cooch Behar (Assimilation Of State Laws) Act, 1950
THE COOCH-BEHAR (ASSIMILATION OF LAWS) ACT, 1950 ACT NO. 67 OF 1950 An Act to assimilate certain State laws in force in Cooch Behar to the State laws in force... Full Document
Road Transport Corporation Act, 1950 In Hindi
सड़क परिवहन निगम अधिनियम, 1950 Road Transport Corporation Act, 1950 In Hindi Full Document
Road Transport Corporations Act, 1950 in Punjabi
Road Transport Corporations Act, 1950 in Punjabi Full Document
Road Transport Corporations Act, 1950 in Kannada
Road Transport Corporations Act, 1950 in Kannada Full Document
ROAD TRANSPORT CORPORATION ACT, 1950 -: PRELIMINARY :- 1. Short title, extent and commencement.—(1) This Act may be called the Road Transport Corporations Act, 1950. (2) It extends to the whole of India. [Provided that... Full Document
Road Transport Corporations Act, 1950
THE ROAD TRANSPORT CORPORATIONS ACT, 1950 ACT NO. 64 OF 1950 An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of Road Transport Corporations. BE it enacted by Parliament... Full Document
Bihar Factories Rules, 1950
Bihar Factories Rules, 1950 In exercise of the powers conferred by the Factories Act, 1948 (LXIII of 1948), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to make the following rules, the same having been... Full Document
Bihar Official Language Act, 1950
Bihar Official Language Act, 1950 Bihar Act 39 of 1950 An Act to provide for the adoption of Hindi in Devanagari script as the language to be used for the... Full Document
Assam Requisition and Control of Vehicles Act, 1950
Amendment:-Assam Requisition and Control of Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 1953 Assam Requisition and Control of Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 1958 Assam Requisition and Control... Full Document
West Bengal Dental Board Act, 1950
THE WEST BENGAL DENTAL BOARD ACT, 1950 West Bengal Act XLIII of 1950 An Act to provide for the continuance of the constitution of the West Bengal Dental Board... Full Document
West Bengal Disturbances Commission Of Enquiry Act, 1950
THE WEST BENCAL DISTURBANCES COMMISSION OF ENQUIRY ACT, 1950. West Bengal Act XLV of 1950 An Act to vest the Commission of Enquiry appointed to enquire into the recent... Full Document
West Dinajpur Union Boards Act, 1950
THE WEST DINAJPUR UNION BOARDS ACT, 1950 West Bengal Act XLII of 1950 An Act for the removal of doubts regarding the local area of the Hilli union and... Full Document
Contingency Fund Of West Bengal Act, 1950
THE CONTINCENCY FUND OF WEST BENCAL ACT, 1950 West Bengal Act XL of 1950 An Act to provide for the establishment and maintenance of a Contingency Fund. ... Full Document
West Bengal Collective Fines Act, 1950
THE WEST BENGAL COLLECTIVE FINES ACT, 1950 West Bengal Act XXXIX of 1950 An Act to provide for the imposition of collective fines. Whereas it is expedient to provide... Full Document
Punjab Contingency Fund Act, 1950
The Punjab Contingency Fund Act, 1950 (Punjab Act 13 of 1950) An Act to provide for the establishment and maintenance of a Contingency Fund in the State of Punjab ... Full Document
Employees’ State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950
EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 17th October, 1950 *No. RS/5/48. — In exercise of the powers conferred by section 97 of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 (XXXIV of 1948),... Full Document
Assam Factories Rules, 1950
The Assam Factories Rules, 1950 1. Short title, extent and commencement. - (1) These rules may be cited as the Assam Factories Rules, 1950. (2) These rules shall come into force at once... Full Document
Bihar Goshala Act, 1950
Bihar Goshala Act, 1950 (Bihar Act 28 of 1950) An Act to provide for better management and control of Goshalas in the State of Bihar Whereas it is expedient to provide... Full Document
Contingency Fund of India Act, 1950 In Hindi
भारत की आकस्मिकता निधि अधिनियम, 1950 Contingency Fund of India Act, 1950 In Hindi Full Document