Acts & Rules
Guru Jambheshwar University Hisar Act, 1995
Guru Jambheshwar University Hisar Act, 1995 Haryana Act No. 17 of 1995 An Act to establish and incorporate a teaching-cum-affiliating University to facilitate and promote studies and research in emerging... Full Document
Assam Amusements and Betting Tax (Amendment) Act, 1995
Assam Amusements and Betting Tax Act, 1939 Assam Amusements and Betting Tax (Amendment) Act, 1995 Full Document
Assam Municipal (Amendment) Act, 1995
Assam Municipal (Amendment) Act, 1995 Full Document
Gauhati Municipal Corporation (Amendment) Act, 1995
Gauhati Municipal Corporation Act,1969 Gauhati Municipal Corporation (Amendment) Act, 1995 Full Document
Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority (Amendment) Act, 1995
Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority Act, 1985 Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority (Amendment) Act, 1995 Full Document
West Bengal Backward Classes Development And Finance Corporation Act, 1995
THE WEST BENGAL BACKWARD CLASSES DEVELOPMENT AND FINANCE CORPORATION ACT, 1995 West Bengal Act XIX of 1995 An Act to establish a Backward Classes Development and Finance Corporation in West... Full Document
West Bengal Backward Classes Development And Finance Corporation Act, 1995
THE WEST BENGAL BACKWARD CLASSES DEVELOPMENT AND FINANCE CORPORATION ACT, 1995 West Bengal Act XIX of 1995 An Act to establish a Backward Classes Development and Finance Corporation in West... Full Document
West Bengal Minorities Development And Finance Corporation Act, 1995
THE WEST BENGAL MINORITIES DEVELOPMENT AND FINANCE CORPORATION ACT, 1995 West Bengal Act XVIII of 1995 An Act to establish a Minorities Development and Finance. Corporation in West Bengal. ... Full Document
Madhya Pradesh Goseva Ayog Adhiniyam, 1995
Madhya Pradesh Goseva Ayog Adhiniyam, 1995 --- For details view pdf. Full Document
Indian Christian Marriage (Extension to Transferred Territory) Act, 1995
Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872 The Indian Christian Marriage (Extension to Transferred Territory) Act, 1995 Tamil Nadu Act 27 of 1995 An Act to extend the Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872... Full Document
मध्यप्रदेश मानव अधिकार आयोग अध्यक्ष तथा सदस्य (वेतन, भत्ते और सेवा की अन्य शर्ते) नियम, 1995
मध्यप्रदेश मानव अधिकार आयोग अध्यक्ष तथा सदस्य (वेतन, भत्ते और सेवा की अन्य शर्ते) नियम, 1995 Full Document
Textile Undertaking (Nationalization) Act, 1995 In Hindi
कपड़ा उपक्रम (राष्ट्रीयकरण) अधिनियम, 1995 Textile Undertaking (Nationalization) Act, 1995 In Hindi Full Document
Textile Undertakings (Nationalisation) Act, 1995
The Textile Undertakings (Nationalisation) Act, 1995 ACT NO. 39 OF 1995 An Act to provide for the acquisition and transfer of the textile undertakings, and the right, title and interest... Full Document
Limitation Act, 1995 (1938 A.D.)
THE LIMITATION ACT, 1995 (1938 A.D.) (Act No. IX of Samvat 1995) An Act to Consolidate and amend the Law for the Limitation of Suits, and for other purposes. ... Full Document
Goa Land (Prohibition on Construction) Act, 1995
Goa Land (Prohibition on Construction) Act, 1995 An act to provide for prohibition on construction of a building, structure, etc. on certain lands in the State of Goa. Be it enacted... Full Document
Rajasthan Bovine Animal (Prohibition of Slaughterand Regulation of Temporary Migration or Export) Act, 1995
Rajasthan Bovine Animal (Prohibition of Slaughterand Regulation of Temporary Migration or Export) Act, 1995 (Act No. 23 of 1995) An Act to provide for prohibition of slaughter of cow and its progeny... Full Document
Delhi Rent Act, 1995 In Hindi
दिल्ली किराया अधिनियम, 1995 Delhi Rent Act, 1995 In Hindi Full Document
Goa Members of the Legislative Assembly (Special Rights) Act, 1995
Goa Members of the Legislative Assembly (Special Rights) Act, 1995 An act to confer special rights on Members of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Goa who are serving in... Full Document
Punjab Apartment and Property Regulation Act, 1995
Punjab Apartment and Property Regulation Act, 1995 (Punjab Act 14 of 1995) AN Act to regulate the promotion of the construction, sale, transfer and management of apartments on ownership basis, to regulate colonies... Full Document
UTTAR PRADESH STATE UNIVERSITIES (SECOND AMENDMENT) ACT, 1995 उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य विश्वविद्यालय (द्वितीय संशोधन) अधिनियम, 1995 Full Document