Acts & Rules
Assam Panchayat (Amendment) Act, 2002
Assam Panchayat Act, 1994 Assam Panchayat (Amendment) Act, 2002 Full Document
Assam Right to Information Act, 2001
THE ASSAM RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACt;;2001 ASSAM ACT No. IX OF 2002 An Act to provide for right to information to the citizens and in relation to the matters connected... Full Document
छत्तीसगढ़ अनाधिकृत विकास का नियमितीकरण अधिनियम, 2002
छत्तीसगढ़ अनाधिकृत विकास का नियमितीकरण अधिनियम, 2002 Chhattisgarh Anadhikrit Vikas Ka Niyamitikaran Act, 2002 Full Document
छत्तीसगढ़ औद्योगिक निवेश प्रोत्साहन अधिनियम, 2002
छत्तीसगढ़ औद्योगिक निवेश प्रोत्साहन अधिनियम, 2002 Full Document
Chhattisgarh Audyogik Nivesh Protsahan Adhiniyam, 2002
Chhattisgarh Audyogik Nivesh Protsahan Adhiniyam, 2002 (No. 7 of 2002) An Act to promote industrial investments in the State of Chhattisgarh, by vesting certain rights specified herein, in a person... Full Document
Jammu and Kashmir Aerial Ropeways Act, 2002
THE JAMMU AND KASHMIR AERIAL ROPEWAYS ACT, 2002 Act No. XII of 2002 An Act to authorize, facilitate and regulate the construction and working of the aerial ropeways in Jammu... Full Document
Jammu and Kashmir Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University Act, 2002
THE JAMMU AND KASHMIR BABA GHULAM SHAH BADSHAH UNIVERSITY ACT, 2002 (Act No. XVI of 2002) An Act to provide for the establishment of a residential and technical University in... Full Document
Jammu and Kashmir Board of Professional Entrance Examination Act, 2002
THE JAMMU AND KASHMIR BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL ENTRANCE EXAMINATION ACT, 2002 (Act No. XXV of 2002) An Act to provide for conduct of entrance tests and making selection for admission... Full Document
Jammu and Kashmir School Education Act, 2002
THE JAMMU AND KASHMIR SCHOOL EDUCATION ACT, 2002 (Act No. XXI of 2002) An Act to provide for achieving the goal of universalisation of elementary education and to provide... Full Document
Jammu and Kashmir Preconception and Prenatal Sex Selection/Determination (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 2002
Jammu and Kashmir Private Colleges (Regulation and Control) Act, 2002
THE JAMMU AND KASHMIR PRIVATE COLLEGES (REGULATION AND CONTROL) ACT, 2002 (Act No. XXII of 2002 An Act to provide for the regulation and control of Private Colleges in the... Full Document
Jammu and Kashmir Urban Immovable Property Tax (Repeal And Saving) Act, 2002
THE JAMMU AND KASHMIR URBAN IMMOVABLE PROPERTY TAX (REPEAL AND SAVING) ACT, 2002 (Act No. XXVIII of 2002) An Act to repeal the Jammu and Kashmir Urban Immovable Property Tax... Full Document
महर्षि यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ़ मैनेजमेंट एंड टेक्नोलॉजी अधिनियम, 2002
महर्षि यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ़ मैनेजमेंट एंड टेक्नोलॉजी अधिनियम, 2002 Full Document
Maharishi University of Management and Technology Act, 2002
Maharishi University of Management and Technology Act, 2002 C.G. Act No. 10 of 2002 An Act to establish and incorporate a teaching and affiliating University to impart instructions in such... Full Document
छत्तीसगढ़ विनियोग (क्रमांक 2) अधिनियम, 2002
छत्तीसगढ़ विनियोग (क्रमांक 2) अधिनियम, 2002 Chhattisgarh Appropriation (No. 2) Act, 2002 Full Document
Delhi Sales Tax on Right to Use Goods Act, 2002
Delhi Sales Tax on Right to Use Goods Act, 2002 Act No. 4 of 2002 An Act to levy and collect tax on the transfer of the right to use... Full Document
Chhattisgarh Niji Kshetra Vishvidyalaya (Sthapna or viniyaman) adhiniyam, 2001
Chhattisgarh Niji Kshetra Vishwavidyalaya (Sthapana Aur Viniyaman) Adhiniyam, 2001 (Chhattisgarh Act No. 2 of 2001) A Vidheyak to provide for establishment of self financed Private Universities for imparting Higher Education... Full Document
Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002
Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 Full Document
Karnataka Government Servants (Family Pension) Rules, 2002
Karnataka Government Servants (Family Pension) Rules, 2002 Full Document
Karnataka Determination of Seniority of the Government Servants promoted on the basis of reservation (To the posts in the Services of the State) Act, 2002
Karnataka Determination of Seniority of the Government Servants promoted on the basis of reservation (To the posts in the Services of the State) Act, 2002 Full Document