No: 5 Dated: Jul, 21 1952


West Bengal Act V of 1952

    An Act to provide for the salaries and allowances of holders of certain offices and for other matters connected therewith.

    Whereas it is expedient to provide for the salaries and allowance of holders of certain offices and for others mothers connected therewith;

    It is hereby enacted as follows :-

1. Short title and commencement. - (1) This Act may be called the West Bengal Salaries and Allowances Act, 1952.

(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 13th day of June, 1952.

2. Definitions. - In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context, -

(a) "Chief Minister", "Deputy Chief Minister", "Minister", "Minister of State", "Deputy Minister" and "Parliamentary Secretary" mean respectively the Chief Minister, the Deputy Chief Minister, a Minister, a Minister of State, a Deputy Minister and a Parliamentary Secretary of the Government of West Bengal;

(b) "Speaker" and "Deputy Speaker" mean respectively the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the West Bengal Legislative Assembly y and "Chairman" and "Deputy Chairman" mean respectively the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the West Bengal Legislative Council;

(c) "residence" includes any garden, lawn or compound and any quarters for staff and servants and other buildings appurtenant thereto;

(d) "maintenance" in relation to a residence includes structural alterations and repairs and also provision of electricity, gas and water therefor and payment of rates and taxes in respect thereof.

3. Salaries and sumptuary allowances of Chief Minister, Deputy Chief Minister, Ministers, etc. - (1) There shall be paid to the Chief Minister a salary of Rs. 15,001 per month, to the Deputy Chief Minister and the each Minister a salary of Rs. 11,000 per month, to each Minister of State a salary of Rs. 10,900 per month and to each Deputy Minister a salary of Rs. 10,900 per month.

(2) There shall be paid to each Parliamentary Secretary a salary of Rs. 1,000 per month:

Provided that a salary of Rs. 10,900 per month may be paid to not more than one Parliamentary Secretary whom the Chief Minister selects in this behalf.

(3) There shall be paid to the Chief Minister a sumptuary allowance of Rs. 51,600 per year and to the Deputy Chief Minister and to each Minister, each Minister of State and each Deputy Minister a sumptuary allowance of Rs. 39,600 per year:

Provided that the Chief Minister or the Deputy Chief Minister or a Minister, Minister of State or Deputy Minister may, at his option, draw the sumptuary allowance as aforesaid proportionately either monthly or bimonthly or quarterly.

(4) There shall be paid to the Chief Minister and the Deputy Chief Minister and to each of the Ministers, Ministers of State, Deputy Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries a constituency allowance of (Rs. 48,000) per year in their capacity as Member of the West Bengal Legislative Assembly.

Provided that the Chief Minister or the Deputy Chief Minister or a Minister, Minister of State, Deputy Minister or Parliamentary Secretary may, at his option draw the constituency allowance a aforesaid proportionately either monthly or bimonthly or quarterly.

(5) There shall be paid to the Chief Minister and to each of the Ministers, Ministers of State, Deputy Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries a compensatory allowance of Rs. 3,000 per month.

(6) There shall be paid to every Minister of the Council of Ministers sitting allowance of Rs. 2000/- per day for attending office:

Provided that such sitting allowance or daily allowance shall not be paid to any Minister of the Council of Ministers while he is on leave:

Provided further that such sitting allowance or daily allowance shall not be paid to any Minister of the Council of Ministers while he is on Election Campaign:

Provided also that sitting allowance or daily allowance under this sub-section or the daily allowance entitled as per section 7 of this Act, whichever is higher, shall be paid to the Minister of the Council of Ministers while he is on tour on public business.

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