No: 11 Dated: Mar, 28 1978


West Bengal Act XI of 1978

    An Act to make provisions for regular payment of salary to persons employed in colleges in West Bengal and matters connected therewith.

    Whereas it is expedient to make provisions for regular payment of salary to persons employed in colleges in West Bengal and matters connected therewith;

    It is hereby enacted as follows:-

1. Short title, extent, commencement and application. - (1) This Act may be called the West Bengal Colleges (Payment of Salaries) Act, 1978.

(2) It extends to the whole of West Bengal.

(3) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 3rd day of February, 1978.

(4) It shall apply to all colleges in West Bengal excepting Government colleges, Government-sponsored colleges and colleges administered by religious or linguistic minorities or under any trust and colleges which do not take any financial assistance from the State Government:

Provided that the State Government may, if it considers fit, exempt any college from the operation of this Act for such period as it may think necessary :

Provided further that any college, other than a Government college or a Government-sponsored college exempted from the operation of this Act, may apply to the State Government for being governed by the provisions of this Act and on consideration of such application the State Government may extend the provisions of this Act to such a college.

2. Definitions. - In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-

(a) "actual income" means the income actually realised by a college by way of tuition fees, fines and other charges and also includes grants excluding the amount received for capital expenditure from the University Grants Commission and other agencies and amounts received from endowments for specific purposes, contributions to students’ union fund, caution-money deposits and other refundable fees and amounts appropriated towards rent charge, capital fund, provident fund and other statutory charges;

(b) "assumed income" means the income realisable from the students of a college by way of tuition fees, fines and other charges and includes the amounts received as grants excluding the amounts received towards capital expenditure from the University Grants Commission and other agencies and amounts received from endowments for specific purposes and contributions to students’ union fund, caution-money deposits and other refundable fees and amounts appropriated towards rent charge, capital fund, provident fund and other statutory charges;

(c) "college" means a college or an institution affiliated to a University but does not include a Government college or a Government-sponsored college;

(d) "Government college" means a college maintained and managed by the State Government;

(e) "Government-sponsored college" means a college declared by the State Government as such;

(f) "college authority", in relation to a college, means the Governing Body or Managing Committee or any other body, by whatever name it is called, charged with the management of the affairs of the college and recognised as such by the University to which such college is affiliated;

(g) "Principal" means the head of a college by whatever name called;

(h) "salary" means the monthly emoluments payable to employees, teaching and non-teaching, of a college and includes such allowances as may be approved by the State Government from time to, time;

(i) "University" means any of the Universities constituted or established, as the case may be, under,-

(i) the Jadavpur University Act, 1955;

(ii) the Burdwan University Act, 1959;

(iii) the Kalyani University Act, 1960;

(iv) the North Bengal University Act, 1961;

(v) the Rabindra Bharati Act, 1961;

(vi) the Calcutta University Act, 1966.

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