Venkateshwara Open University Act, 2012
No: 10 Dated: Jun, 20 2012
The Venkateshwara Open University Act, 2012
(Act No. l0 of 2012)
An Act to establish and incorporate a teaching Open University sponsored by Padmawati Educatonal Trust, 208 A Saket, Meerut registered under the Indian Trust Act, 1882 (Act No. 2 of 1882) and to provide for matters connected there with or incidental thereto, the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh, in pursuance of the provisions of clause (3) of Article 348 of the Constitulion, is pleased to order the publication of the incorporatron of the Act of the Venkateshwara Open University, ltanagar, Arunachal Pradesh.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Arunachal Pradesh in the Sixty.-third year of the Republic of lndia, as follows,-
1. Short title and commencement : (1) This Act may be called.the Venkateshwara Open , University Act, 2012,
(2) ltshall come into fiorce on such date as he Sate Govemment of Arunachal Pradesh may by notification in the Official Gazette dppoint.
2. Deftnitions : In this Act, unless the context otheMise requires : -
(a) "Academic Council" means the Academic Council of the Universiv ;
(b) "Distance Education Council" means Distance Education Council of the University ;
(c) "Board" means lhe Board of studies or the Phnning Board, or any other Board of the University ;
(d) "Chancellor","Pro-Chancellor","Vice-Chancellor'and " Pro-Vice-C hancellor" means respectively the Chancellol the Pro-Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, ' the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University
(e) "Court" means the Court of the University;
(0 "Director/Principal" means the Head of an lnstitution, a College, a Centre and a School, orthe person appointed for the purpose to act as such in his absence ;
(g) "Department" means a Department of Studies and includes a Centre of Studies and Research.
(h) "Employee" means any person appointed by the ' University, andincludes a teacher or any other member of ttle staff of the University :
(i) "Executive Counci!" means the Executive Council of the University;
(j) "Existing College" means a college oran institution which imparts professional education and is proposed tc be merged, run and maintained by the University;
(k) "Faculty" means a Faculty of the University
(l) "Hostel" means Scholar Students Hostelofthe University;
(m) "lnstitution/College" means a college including existing college oran lnstitution established or maintained byor associated or constitjent to the University in accordance with this Act and the Slatutes.
(n) "Prescribed" means prescribed by Statutes ;
(o) "Records and Publication" means the Records and Publication of the University ;
(p) "Statutes" and "Ordinances" means respectively, the Statutes and the Ordinances of the University for the time being in force ;
(q) "Students" means a student enrolled in the register of the University ;
(r) "Teacher of the University" means Profssors, Assocaate Professot Readers, Assistant Professor, Leclurers and such other persons as may be appointed for imparting education/instructions of conducting research in the University and are designated as Teachers by the Ordinances ;
(s) "Treasurer"', "Registrar", "Deputy Registrar"', "Finance Officer", "Controller of Examinations", "Librarian" or "Proctor".means respectively the Treasurer, the . Registrar, the Deputy Registrar, the Finance Officer, the Controller of Examination, the Librarian or the Proctor of the University. ,
(t) "Trust" means Padmaw?ti Educational Trust, 208 A. Saket, Meerut registered under the Indian Trust Act, 1882 (Act No. 2 of 1882) ;
(u) "University'' means the Venkateshwara Open University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh.