No: 6 Dated: Jan, 27 2005

Uttarakhand River Valley (Development of Management ) Act, 2005

(Uttarakhand Act No. 06 of 2005)

An Act It is Hereby enacted by the Uttarakhand legislative Assembly in the Fifty-fifth year of the Republic of India as follow:-



1. Short title, Extent and commencement. - (1) This Act may be called the Uttarakhand River Valley (Development and Management) Act, 2005.

(2) In the First Instance it shall apply to the Bhagirathi River Valley in Tehri and Uttarkashi Districts of Uttaranchal and thereafter the State Government may by notification make all or any of the provisions of this Act applicable to such other River Valley as the State Government would deem fit and proper.

(3) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by notification, appoint in this behalf.

2. Definitions. - In this Act,

(a) "Authority" means the River Valley Development Authority established under section "3";

(b) "Act" mean the Uttarakhand River Valley (Development and Management) Act, 2005;

(c) "Bhagirathi River Valley" means the basin of the Bhagirathi, Bhilangana rivers and their tributaries up to Deoprayag, in downstream and Gangotri upto Gomukh in upstream in the Districts of Tehri and Uttarkashi of Uttarakhand and shall include such other areas adjacent thereto, as the State Government may, by notification, specify;

(d) "Basin" means the entire catchments area of the Valley;

(e) "Catchment area" means such area at a distance of 100 meters which may extend to 200 meters on either side of the River upstreams and down streams or Reservoir, from its bank at such length as may be deter-mind by the Executive Committee;

(f) "Command area" means such area in a River Valley as may be determined by the Executive committee;

(g) "Development Agency" means any Government Department or Institution or other agency engaged in the work of the development of the River Valley;

(h) "Executive Committee" means the committee constituted under sub section (5) of section 3 of this Act;

(i) "Government" means the State Government of Uttarakhand;

(j) "Member" means a member of the Authority and includes its Chairman and Vice Chairman;

(k) "Sector" means Geographical and Functional areas to be undertaken for the purpose of development and includes-

(a) "Geographical Area" means an area comprising municipal bodies and zila panchayats etc.

(b) "Functional Area" means an item for development and includes agriculture, road, bridge, industry, irrigation, transport, watershed, communication, housing, tourism, health, boating, fishing and matters related thereto.

(l) "River Valley" includes the basin of the rivers and their tributaries upstream and downstream including catchment area & command area of a "Dam or Reservoir"

(m) Words and expressions used in this Act but not defined shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Uttar Pradesh Urban planning and development Act, 1973.

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