No: 7 Dated: Mar, 18 1965


To make provision for the constitution, superintendence and administration of the Uttar Pradesh Vigilance Establishment as a special police force.
IT IS HEREBY ENACTED IN THE SIXTEENTH Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
1- Short title and extent-
(1) This Act may be called the Uttar Pradesh vigilance Establishment Act 1965.
(2) It extends to the whole of Uttar Pradesh.
2- (1) Constitution and powers of the Vigilance Establishment : (1) Not withstanding anything in the police Act 1861, the State Government may constitute a special police force to be called the Uttar Pradesh Vigilance Establishment for the investigation of offences notified under the section 3.
(2) Subject to any orders which the State Government may make in this behalf members of the said establishment shall have, in relation to the investigation of such offences and arrest of persons concerned in such offences, all the powers , duties, privileges and liabilities which police officers holding corresponding ranks in the ordinary police force of the State have in connection with investigation of offences and shall for purpose of conferment of powers under any law for the time being in force be deemed to be police officers holding corresponding ranks in the ordinary police force of the State.
(3) Any member of the said establishment of or above the rank of Sub Inspector may, subject to any orders which the state Government may make in this behalf , exercise, in discharging his functions under sub section(2), any of the powers of the officer in charge of police station in the area in which he is for the time being and when so exercising such powers shall, subject to any such orders as aforesaid, be deemed to be an officer in-charge of a police station discharging the functions of such an officer within the limits of his station. 
3- Offences to be investigated by the Vigilance Establishment. The State Government may by notification in the Gazette, specify the offence or classes of offences which are to by investigated by the Uttar Pradesh Vigilance Establishment

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