No: 1 Dated: Jan, 24 1961


(ACT I OF 1961)

    An Act to provide for the improvement and expansion of the City of Trivandrum and the constttutzon of an Improvement Trust therefor.

    Preamble.-WHEREAS it is expedient to make provision for the improvement and expansion of the City of Trivandrum by opening up congested areas, clearing slums, laying out or altering streets, providing open spaces for purposes of ventilation or recreation, demohshing or constructing buildings, acquiring land for the said purposes and for the rehousing of persons displaced by the execution of improvement schemes and otherwise as hereinafter appearing ;

    AND WHEREAS it is expedient that a Board of Trustees should be constituted and invested with special powers for carrying out the objects aforesaid;

BE it enacted in the Eleventh Year of the Republic of India as ollows:-



I. Short title, application and commencement.-(I) This Act may be called the Trivandrurn City Improvement Trust Act. 1960.

(2) It applies to the City of Trivandrum, but the Government may, subject to the provisions of section 143, by notification in the Gazette and from such date as may be specified therein, apply all or any of the provisions of this Act to any specified area in the neighbourhood of the said City.

(3) It shall come into force at once.

2. Definitions.-In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-

(I) "betterment fee" means the fee declared to be payable under section 80 in respect of an increase in the value of land resulting from the execution of an Improvement Scheme;

(2) "Board'' means the Board of Trustees for the Improvement of the City of Trivandrum, constituted under section 3;

(3) "Chairman" means the Chairman of the Board;

(4) "Corporation" means the Corporation of Trivandrurn constituted under the Trivanderum City Municipal Act (Travancore Act IV of 1116);

(5) "land" has the same meaning as in clause (a) of section 3 or the Land Acquisition Act (Travancore Act XI of 1089)

(6) "notification" means a notification published in the Gazette ;

(7) "prescnbed" means prescribed by rules mado under this Act;

(8) "Secretary to the Board" means the person for the time being appomtcd by the Board to discharge the functions of the Secretary to the lloard;

(9) "Tribunal" means the Tribunal constituted undrr section 72, and until it is constttuted, the court having jurisdiction to perform the functions of the court under the Land Acquisition Act (Trnvancore Act XI of 10119), and all reference to the Tribunal shall he construed accordingly ;

(10) "Trustee" means a member of the Board and "ex-officio Trustee'' means the District Collector of Trivandrum or the Commissioncr of the Corporation of Trivandrum or the Chief Town Planner or the Director of Health Services ;

(11) all words and expressions not defined in this Ar.t but defined in the Trivnndrum Ctty Municipal Act (Travancore Act IV of 1116), shall have the meanings respectiVely assigned to them by the said Municipal Act.

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