No: 8 Dated: Apr, 09 2006


(Act No 8 of 2006)

    An Act to establish and incorporate the Rajasthan Technical University in the State of Rajasthan. Be it enacted by the Rajasthan State Legislature in the Fifty-seventh Year of the Republic of India, as follows:-



1. Short title, extent and commencement.- (1) This Act may be called the Rajasthan Technical University Act, 2006

(2) It extends to the whole of the State of Rajasthan.

(3) It shall be deemed to have come into force on and from 31st December, 2005.

2. Definitions.- In this Act, unless the subject of context otherwise requires,-

(i) “Academic Council” means the Academic Council of the University as constituted under section 24;

(ii) “affiliated college” means a college or institution which has been granted affiliation by the University;

(iii) “AICTE” means All India Council for Technical Education, established under All India Council for Technical Education Act, 1987 (Central Act No. 52 of 1987);

(iv) “authorities” means the authorities of the University as specified by or under this Act;

(v) “Board” means the Board of Management of the University as constituted under section 22;

(vi) “bodies” means the bodies of the University formed by the respective authorities;

(vii) “collaboration” means collaborative academic activity of the University with other universities, academic institutions (local, regional, national or international), research institutions and organizations (research, agriculture, industry, trade and commerce);

(viii) “constituent college” means a college or an institution which imparts technical education and is run and maintained by the University and includes a Faculty of the University;

(ix) “Dean” means head of a Faculty of the University; (x) “Department” means a Department established, maintained and managed by the University;

(xi) “Director” means a head of an institution including a centre, of a school or the University as designated by the Board of Management;

(xii) “Faculty” means a Faculty of the University;

(xiii) “Government aided technical institution” means technical institution receiving grant-in-aid from the State Government;

(xiv) “Institutions” means Government aided technical institutions and private unaided technical institutions;

(xv) “Management” means the trustees or the managing or governing body, by whatever name called, of any trust registered under the Rajasthan Public Trusts Act, 1959 (Act No. 42 of 1959) or any society registered under the Rajasthan Societies Registration Act. 1958 (Act No 28 of 1958) under the management of which one or more colleges or recognized institutions or other institutions are conducted and admitted of the privileges of the University;

(xvi) “Ordinances” means Ordinances of the University made under the Act;

(xvii) “Principal” means the Chief Executive Officer of a college, a Government aided technical institution or a private unaided technical institution;

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