No: 25 Dated: Oct, 16 1961

The Rajasthan State Aid to Industries Act, 1961

(Act No. 25 of 1961)

    An act to regulate the giving of aid by the State Government to industries in the State of Rajasthan.

    Be is enacted by the Rajasthan State Legislature in the Twelfth Year of the Republic of India, as follows:-

1. Short title, extent and commencement. - (1) This Act may be called the Rajasthan State Aid to Industries Act, 1961.

(2) It extends to the whole of the State of Rajasthan.

(3) It shall come into force at once.

2. Definitions. - In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, -

(1) "company" means a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 (Central Act 1 of 1965); and

(2) "industries" means any industrial business or enterprise undertaken or conducted by any person or body of persons [and includes a co-operative Society as also an Association or a Federation of Industries.]

3. Aid to industries. - No aid shall be given by the State Government to any industry except in accordance with the provisions of this Act.

4. Industries to be aided. - (1) An industry to which aid may be given under this Act shall be such as has an important bearing on the economic development of the State and such industry may be-

(a) a new or nascent industry, or

(b) an industry to be newly introduced into areas where such industry is undeveloped or under developed, or

(c) a cottage or village industry or a small scale industry, or

(d) an old or established industry.

    Provided that no aid shall be given to an old or established industry unless the State Government is satisfied that special reasons exist for giving such aid.

    Provided further that no aid shall be given to a company unless it-

(i) is registered in India on a rupee capital,

(ii) conforms to such rules as may be made by the State Government from time to time, and

(iii) has on its Board of Management, such number of citizens of India as may be prescribed or such number of directors as the State Government may specify.

    Explanation:- (i) "cottage industry" means an industry carried on in any premises to which the Factories Act, 1948 (Central Act 63 of 1948) does not apply and includes dairy farming, bee keeping and keeping of poultry farm,

(ii) "small scale industry" means-

[(a) an industry with a capital investment of not more than Rupees 7.5 Lakhs or such amount as may be notified by the State Government from time to time in plant and machinery only irrespective of the number of persons employed therein, or

(b) an industry with capital investment not exceeding 10 lakhs, or such amount as may be notified by the State Government from time to time in plant and machinery and manufacturing ancillary and components of such industry as may be specified in this behalf by the Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries.]

(iii) "Village industry" means any industry which forms a normal occupation, whether whole-time or part-time, of any class of the rural population of the State.

    (2) The decision of the State Government as to whether the conditions of this section are fulfilled shall be final and shall not be called in question in any court of law.

5. Method of giving aid. - The State Government or any prescribed officer, authority or person may, subject to such conditions and in such manner as may be prescribed, give aid to an industry in one or more of the following ways, namely:-

(a) by grant of loan,

(b) by guaranteeing a cash credit, over draft or fixed advance with a bank, or providing any other credit facility,

(c) by paying a subsidy for the purchase of implements, tools or machinery in order to conduct research,

(d) by underwriting or subscribing for shares or debentures,

(e) by guaranteeing a minimum return on the capital of a company,

(f) by providing at concessional rates supply of land, raw material, fire wood or water,

(g) by supply of implements and machinery on hire purchase system or by guaranteeing such purchases,

(h) by supplying at concessional rates electrical energy from a source which is owned by the State Government, by granting rebate on the rate payable by any industry for supply of electricity to it, or by providing subsidy to the State Electricity Board for supply of power to any industry at the rates specified by the State Government or by providing built-in power houses,

(i) by granting, free of charge or on favourable terms, the services of officers and experts in the service of the State Government for starting or advising an industry,

(j) by undertaking establishment of industrial estates,

(k) by granting concessions in, or exemptions from, State or local taxes and duties where the law relating thereto authorises such concessions or exemptions,

(l) by running common facility centres or cluster type training centres or by providing industrial or technical institutions which may be beneficial for the development of the industry,

(m) by opening emporia or other demonstration centres or providing facilities for marketing of products,

(n) by giving preference in the purchase of products of an industry,

(o) by providing credit facility to industrial co-operatives,

[(oa) by grant of subside to Associations/Federation of Industries,

(ob) by grant of subsidy on Managerial Technical staff engaged by Industrial co-operatives,

(oc) by grant of subsidy on the construction of new work sheds in rural areas,

(od) by grant of subsidy on purchase of new tools and equipments by Industries in rural areas,

(oe) by grant of subsidy on purchase of raw material or sale of finished products,

(of) by grant of subsidy on export of finished products outside India,

(og) by providing training to artisans and Technicians, and]

(p) by grant of any assistance in any other form which, in the opinion of the State Government, may be conducive for the promotion or development of industries in the State.

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