No: 32 Dated: Sep, 08 1971


Sept. 8, 1971

Sub: Procedure to be adopted by the Committees constituted for the auction or sale/disposal/management of nazool buildings.

In supersession of' the cabinet secretariat order No. F.1 (1)OSD/GAD/Nazool/66 dated 25th August". 1967", the state government in order to carry out smoothly the disposal of Nazool Buildings in the state hereby frames the following rules namely: -

1. Short title and commencement :-

(i) These rules may be called the Rajasthan Nazool Buildings (Disposal by public Auction) Rules, 1971.

(ii) They shall come into force at once.

(iii) These rules are in the nature of administrative instructions only for the guidance of offices, and do not confer any legal rights on any person. The Government will be the final authority to decide any/auction/sale of the properties in pursuance of these rules.

2. Disposal of Nazool Buildings by order of Government:-

(i) No nazool Building or any portion thereof shall be sold or auctioned without prior sanction of the Government. "Provided that when the reserve price of the nazool bulding or any portion thereof as assessed by the P.W.D. is less than Rs. one lakh, the collector may sell or auction such building or any portion thereof without prior sanction of the Government."

(ii) When a committee constituted for the disposal of Nazul Buildings (vide Government order No.F.5 (4) O&M/67 dated 3-2-67) decides to dispose of any un-economic or surplus Nazul Building situated in its area, it shall submit its proposals to the Chief Secretary to the Government of Rajasthan for conveying Government sanction in the matter.

(iii) Such a proposal shall be accompanied by full particulars as to the dimension, area of the built up portion, area of open land appurtenant thereto, the estimated market value of the built up structure and the land and the reserve price of Nazool buildings.

(iv) Assessment of the value of a Nazool building shall be made by the Sub-Divisional officer and the Executive Engineer (Buildings and Roads) having jurisdiction over the area in which such building is situated, keeping in view the prevailing market rates including the market value of the land. This valuation will be the reserved price of the Nazool building and it shall not be sold by public auction at a price below this reserved price.

(v) Proposals of a Sub-Divisional committee shall be submitted through the district committee.

3. Register of Nazool building to be disposed of :-

(i) Every committee constituted as aforesaid shall maintain a register in the Form "A" in which entries will be made from time to time.

(ii) The Chairman of the committee shall attest the entries in the Register from time to time.

4. Sale by whom and how made :

(i) Sale of Nazool building shall be effected by public auction.

(ii) As soon as the Government sanction is conveyed for the disposal of any Nazool building, the committee shall appoint an officer of the Revenue Department not below the rank of a revenue inspector to conduct the sale thereof, by public auction.

5. Proclamation of Sale :-

(i) Whenever any Nazool building is ordered to be sold a proclamation of the intended sale shall be issued in Hindi in the form "B" under the signature of the chairman of the Disposal committee.

(ii) Such proclamation shall state the time and place of sale and specify as fairly and accurately as possible:

(a) The location and full particulars of the Nazool building intended to be sold;

(b) The estimated value of such building; and

(c) any other particulars which the committee may consider material for a purchaser to know in order to judge the nature and value of the property.

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