No: 33 Dated: Apr, 16 2013

Punjab Rent Act, 1995


(Punjab Act No. 33 of 2013)

An Act further to amend the Punjab Rent Act. 1995.

    BE it enacted by tile Legislature of the State of Punjab in the Sixtyfourth Year of Republic of India, as follows:- 

1. Short title:- This Act may be called the Punjab Rent (Amendment) Act, 2013.

2. Amendment in section 2 of Punjab Act 13 of 2012:- In the Punjab Rent Act, 1995, (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act), in section 2, clause (k) shall be omitted. 

3. Substitution or section 3 of Punjab Act 13 of 2012:- In the principal Act, for section 3, the following section shall be substituted, namely:-

"3. (1) Norhing in this Act shall apply,- 

(a) to any premises let out before the commencement ofthis Act;

(b) to any premises belonging to or let out to the State Government or the Government of India or a local authority;

(c) to any prem ises constructed on or after the cornmencement of this Act, for a period of fifteen years from the date of completion of construction;

Explanation I - The expression "date of completion of construction" shall mean the date of completion as intimated to the concerned authority or of assessment to property tax, whichever is earlier, and, where the premises has been constructed in stages, the date on which the initial building wasc~mpleted and an intimation thereof w~s sent to the concerned authority or was asse~sed to property tax, whichever is earlier.

Explanation II- The expression "premises constructed" shall include- .

(i) re-building of more than seventy five per cent of an existing, building; and

(ii) additional construction to an existing building;

(d) to any premises let out to citizens of a foreign country or an embassy, High Commission, legation or commission ofa foreign State or suchinternational organization, as may be specified by the State Government, by notification in the Official Gazette;

(e) to any premises belonging if such religious, charitable or educational trust or class of trusts, as may be speci fled by the State Government, by notification in the Official Gazette;

(f) to any premises let out by a hire-purchaser, lessee or sub-lessee (by whatever name called), who has been allotted such premises by the Punjab Urban Development Authority or any other local authority by way of an agreement of hire-purchase, lease or sub-lease, even before the full ownership rights accrue to such hire-purchaser, lessee or sub-lessee, as the case may be.

(2) For non-residential premises, contract renting shall be admissible during the subsisting /::riod of contract. Such premises shall be governed by the conditi..ns of the contract and litigation under any other law shall not be permissible. A landlord violating the conditions laid down in the contract and agreed to b: the parties shall not be entitled for rent for the period of VIolation and if the tenant violates the conditions, he shall be liable to pay double the rent for the ieriod, in question, in addition to immediate dispossession througl. the Rent Authority.".

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