No: 24 Dated: Aug, 22 2012


ACT No. XXIV of 2012

    An Act to amend certain enactments to change their short titles from “Mumbai Acts” to “Maharashtra Acts”.

    WHEREAS it is expedient to amend certain enactments to change their short titles from “Bombay Acts” to “Maharashtra Acts”, to facilitate their citation in future by more appropriate short titles and clarify their applicaton to the existing Maharashtra State and to make certain consequential and incidental provisions; ;

It is hereby enacted in the Sixty-Second Year of the Republic of India as follows :––

1. Short title:- This Act may be called the Maharashtra (Change of Short Titles of certain Bombay Acts) Act, 2011.

2. Amendment of short titles of Bombay Acts:- The short titles of the Bombay Acts, enacted before the 1st May 1960, specified in column (4) of the Schedule appended to this Act shall be amended and shall be deemed to have been amended with effect from the 1st May 1960 to the extent specified in column (5) of the Schedule.

3. Citation of Bombay Acts to stand unmodified:- Notwithstanding the amendment of the short titles of the Bombay Acts specified in column (4) of the Schedule by section 2 of this Act. the citation of those Acts by reference to the year and number, respectively specified in columns (2) and (3) of the Schedule against those Acts shall stand unmodified.

4. Construction of references to “Bombay” and “Greater Bombay” in Bombay Acts, other State enactments and in subordinate legislation:- Unless the context otherwise requires, any reference to the short title of the Bombay Act in any other State enactment or to the name “Bombay” or “Greater Bombay” appearing in any Bombay Act or in any other State enactment, or in any rules, regulations, bye-laws, schemes, notifications or orders or in any other instrument made or issued under any such Bombay Act or State enactment shall, after the commencement of this Act, be construed as a reference to the short title of the said Bombay Act as amended by this Act or as a reference to “Mumbai” or, as the case may be “Brihan Mumbai”.

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