lndira Gandhi Technological And The Medical Sciences University Act, 2012
No: 6 Dated: May, 30 2012
lndira Gandhi Technological And The Medical Sciences Unive6ity Act, 2012
(Act No 6 of 2012 )
An Act to establish and incorporate the lndira Gandhi Technological and Medical Sciences University at Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh.
WHEREAS, the Government ofArunachal Pradesh, being desirous of creating a private University for providing vocational, professional including technological and medical education lacilities ;
AND WHEREAS, the World lnstitution Building Programme an lnternational charity registered at New Delhi has necessary experience of guiding the Universities and educational institutions for strengthening the tinancial health of those Universities and institutions by generating funds from publications, institutionalconsultanry, transfer of appropriate technology of institution development etc ;
AND WHEREAS the World lnstitution Building Programme has requested the State Government to esEblish University under the name of 'lndira Gandhi Technologlcal and Medical Sciences University'' with academic, Technical and funding support from the World lnstitution Building Programme (WIBP) ;
AND WHEREAS, it is considered necessary to encourage the technical and medical education by establishang lndira Gandhi Technological and Medical Sciences University at Ziro in the Slate ofArunachal Pradesh;
BE it enacted by the Arunachal Pradesh State Legislature in the Sixtythird Year of the Republic of lndia as follows i
1. Short title and commencement:-(1) This Act may be called the lndira Gandhi Technological and Medical Sciences University Act, 2012.
(2) lt shall come into force on such date as the State Government, may by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint.
2. Definitions:- ln this Act, unless the context otheMise requires :-
(a) 'Board of Studies' means the Board of Studies established for the subject under this Act ;
(b) 'Chancellor" means the Chancellor of the University
(c) 'Director' means the Director ofthe lnstitute ;
(d) 'Fund' means the fund of the University ;
(e) 'Governing Council' means the Goveming Council of the University constituted underthisAct.
(f) 'Government' means the Govemment ofArunachal Pradesh.
(g) 'lnstitute' means the lnstitutions eshblished by the University or recognized/collaborated with the University.
(h) 'Member' means the member of the University.
(i) 'Notification' means Notification published in the OfficialGazette.
(j) 'Prescribed' means prescribed by rules made under this Act.
(k) "Pro-Chancellor" means the Pro-Chancellor of the U niversity.
(l) 'Registrar" meaflsthe Registrar of the University;
(m) 'Regulations' means the regulation made by the University under thisAct.
(n) 'Schedule' means the Schedule appended to this Act.
(o) 'Trust' means the WIBP Trust registered under lndian Trusts Act, 1882.
(p) 'University' means the lndira Gandhi ' Technological and Medical Sciences University, Ziro established under seclion 3.
(q) 'Vice4hancellor' meanst he Mce-Chancellor of the University