No: 24 Dated: Aug, 05 1971


(Act 24 of 1971)

    An Act to validate certain proceedings, decrees, orders and acts of the Courts of District Judges in the State of Kerala.

    Preamble:- WHEREAS appeals from the deciSions of the Courts of Subordinate Judges invested With the Jurisdiction of a Land Acquisition Court under the Kerala Land Acquisition Act, 1961, in references under that Act he only to the High Court;

    AND WHEREAS such appeals were instituted in the Courts of Distrtct Judges and those Courts have disposed of such appeals;

    AND WHEREAS it is expedient to validate the proceedings, decrees, orders and acts of the said Courts of District Judges with respect to the said appeals;

BE it enacted in the Twenty-second Year of the Republic of India as follows :—

1. Short title and commencement—(1) This Act may be called the Judicial Proceedings (Validation) Acl, 1971.

(2) It shall come Into force at once.

2. Validation:- NotWithstariding any judgment, decree or order of any court, all proceedings taken, all decrees and orders passed and all other acts and things done by Courts of District Judges on appeals from the decisions of the Courts of Sub-ordniate Judges Invested With the Jurisdiction of a Land Acqutsition Court under the Kerala Land Acqutsition Act, 1961 (21 of 1962), in references under that Act, instituted in the said Courts instead of in the high Court, shall be deemed to have been taken, passed or done in accordance with law and shall not be deemed to be Invalid or ever to have been invalid merely on the ground that the said Courts had no jurisdiction to entertain such appeals.

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