No: 21 Dated: Dec, 17 1967


(ACT NO. XXI of 1967)

    An Act to provide for compulsory vaccination for securing eradication and prevention of smallpox in the State.

Be it enacted by the Jammu and Kashmir State Legislature in the Eighteenth year of the Republic of India as follows :––

1. Short title.–– This Act may be called the Jammu and Kashmir Vaccination Act, 1967.

2. Definitions.–– In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,—

(a) ‘‘Form’’ means a Form given in Schedule I appended to this Act ;

(b) ‘‘guardian’’ means any person to whom the care, nurture or custody of any child falls by law or by natural right or recognised usage or who has accepted or assumed care, nurture or custody of any child or to whom the care or custody of any child has been entrusted by any authority lawfully authorised in that behalf ;

(c) ‘‘Inspector’’ means a person authorised by the Superintendent of Vaccination to exercise all or any of the functions of an Inspector under this Act ;

(d) ‘‘Parent’’ means the father and mother of a child and includes foster and step-parents ;

(e) ‘‘Public vaccinator’’ means a vaccinator appointed by the Government and in the case of any Municipality one who is appointed by any authority competent under the Jammu and Kashmir Municipal Act, Samvat 2008 ;

(f) ‘‘Prescribed’’ means prescribed by rules made under this Act ;

(g) ‘‘registered medical practitioner’’ means a medical practitioner registered under the Jammu and Kashmir Medical Registration Act, Samvat 1998 ;

(h) ‘‘Superintendent of Vaccination’’ means a person appointed as such under section 17 of this Act ;

(i) ‘‘unprotected child’’ means a child up to the age of 18 years who has not been protected against smallpox by having had that disease naturally or by having been successfully vaccinated and who has not been certified under the provisions of this Act to be insusceptible to vaccination or who has not up to the age of five years been successfully vaccinated ;

(j) ‘‘unprotected person’’ means a person above the age of 18 years who has not been protected against smallpox by having had that disease naturally or by having been successfully vaccinated and revaccinated within a period of five years and who has not been certified under the provisions of this Act to be insusceptible to vaccination ; and

(k) ‘‘vaccination centre’’ means a Government Allopathic Dispensary or a place where vaccination is performed free of charge by the direction or authorisation of the Medical Officer of Health of the area concerned.

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