No: 24 Dated: Nov, 24 1972


(Act No. XXIV of 1972)

    An Act to provide for the making and execution of land improvement schemes for soil conservation, improvement of soil resources, prevention or mitigation for soil erosion, protection of land against floods or drought, farm drainage or other works incidental to or connected with such purposes.

Be it enacted by the Jammu and Kashmir State Legislature in the Twenty-third Year of Republic of India as follows-



1. Short Title. - This Act may be called as the Jammu and Kashmir Land Improvement Schemes Act,1972.

2. Definitions. - In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires-

(a) "Deputy Commissioner" means the officer appointed for the time being to the Deputy Commissioner of a District, and includes any other officers authorized by the Government by notification to perform the functions of a Deputy Commissioner under this Act and the rules made there under;

(b) "Director" means the officer appointed for the time being in force to the Director of Agriculture, and includes any other officer authorized by the Government by notification to perform the functions of the Director under this Act and the rules made thereunder;

(c) "District Land Improvement Committee" means a Committee constituted under section 4;

(d) "erosion" means the removal or displacement of earth, stones or other materials by the action of wind or water;

(e) "Enquiry Officer" means an officer of the Government appointed by a District Land Improvement Committee;

(f) "landowner" means the owner of the land;

(g) "notified area" means any area declared to be a notified area under section 8;

(h) "Prescribed" means the prescribed by rules made there under this Act;

(i) "reclamation" means in relation to land includes making land fit for cultivation or making any other improvement of land;

(j) "Scheme" means a land improvement scheme made under this Act;

(k) "Soil Conservation Officer" means a Divisional Soil Conservation Officer or an Assistant Soil Conservation Officer appointed by the Government in respect of a specified area to perform the functions of the Soil Conservation Officer under this Act and the rules made thereunder;

(l) "waste land" means any land referred unfit for cultivation cause notified by the Government;

(m) "Work" means any work of public utility constructed, erected or carried out under a scheme.

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