No: 24 Dated: Sep, 08 1981


West Bengal Act XXIV of 1981

    An Act to provide for the reconstitution of the Jadavpur University and for certain matters incidental thereto and connected therewith.

    Whereas it is expedient to reconstitute the Jadavpur University to enable it to function more efficiently as a University encouraging and providing for instruction, teaching, training and research in various branches of learning and courses of study, promoting advancement and dissemination of knowledge and learning, and extending higher education, to meet the growing needs of society and to make the constitution of various authorities or bodies of the University more democratic consistent with the objectives of the National Council of Education, Bengal and the Dawn Society;

    It is hereby enacted as follows :-



1. Short title and commencement. - (1) This Act may be called the Jadavpur University Act, 1981.

(2) This section and section 54 shall come into force at once; and the remaining provisions of this Act shall come into force on such date or dates as the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint, and different dates may be appointed for different provisions this Act.

2. Definitions. - In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context, -

(1) "affiliated" in relation to an Institution means affiliated to the University of Jadavpur as constituted prior to the appointed day and continuing as such immediately before such day or affiliated to the University under this Act;

(2) "appointed day" means the date referred to in sub-section (5) of section 54;

(3) "convocation" means a meeting of the Court for the purpose of conferring degrees, titles, diplomas, certificates or other academic distinctions;

(4) "employee" in relation to the University means any person employed by the University;

(5) "financial year" means the year ending on the 31st day of March;

(6) "founder-donors" means the following persons who endowed properties during their life-time on the National Council of Education, Bengal, namely :

(a) Shri Brajendra Kishore Roy Chowdhury of Gouripur,

(b) Maharaja Suryya Kanta Acharyya Chowdhury Bahadur of Mymensingh,

(c) Raja Subodh Chandra Mallik;

(7) "Governor" means the Governor of the State of West Bengal;

(8) "Hall" or "Hostel" means a unit of residence for students, Teachers, officers or non-teaching staff recognized by the University;

(9) "Institution" means a college, polytechnic, school or any other place, by whatever name called for training, instruction, research or study;

(10) "Librarian" means a Librarian, Deputy Librarian, Assistant Librarian or any other person discharging the functions of a Librarian on whole-time basis, by whatever name called, appointed or recognized as such by the University;

(11) "Minister" means the Minister-in-charge of Higher Education appointed as such by the Governor:

(12) "non-teaching staff" means the non-teaching staff, not holding any teaching post (including part-time teaching post), appointed or recognized as such by the University, but does not include an officer or a Librarian;

(13) "National Council" means the National Council of Education, Bengal, formed and registered on the 1st day of June, 1906, under the Societies Registration Act, 1860;

(14) "prescribed" means prescribed by Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations or Rules made under this Act;

(15) "Principal" means the head of an Institution, by whatever name called;

(16) "registered graduate" means a graduate registered under this Act, at least three months prior to the date of election of members to the Court, on application in the prescribed form and on payment of a fee of one rupee:

Provided that no person shall be eligible to be registered under this Act unless he has graduated himself from the University at least three years prior to the date of election of members to the Court;

(17) "Statutes", "Ordinances", "Regulations" and "Rules" mean, respectively, the Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations and Rules of the University made under this Act;

(18) "Students Union" means,-

(a) in relation to the University, the Students' Union constituted in the manner prescribed; and

(b) in relation to an affiliated college, the Students' Union constituted in the manner prescribed;

(19) "Teacher" means a Principal, Professor, Associate Professor, Reader, Assistant Professor, Demonstrator, Tutor or any other person, appointed or recognized as such by the University, either whole-time or part-time, for the purpose of imparting instruction or conducting research in the University or in an Institution;

(20) "University" means the Jadavpur University as constituted under this Act;

(21) "University Laboratory", "University Library", "University Museum" or "University Institution" means a laboratory, a library, a museum or an institution, as the case may be, and managed by the University, whether established by it or not.

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