No: 22 Dated: Aug, 24 2012


An Act to provide for prohibition of ragging in educational institutiorts in the state of Haryana and far matters connected rherewith or incidental therero.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Haryana in the Sixty-third Year of the Republic of tndia as follows :-

1. This Act may be calred rhe Haryana prohibition of Ragging in Educational Institution Act, 2012

2. In this Act, unless'the context otherwise requires,

(a) "Act" means the Haryana prohibition of Ragging in Educational Instirution Act, 2012

(b) "committee" meaas an anti ragging committee constituted under Section 5 of the Act;

(c) "educational instirution" means a school, college. university or an institution and its constituent unit and includes canteen, hostel or transport provided by schocll, college or universitv. whether within or outside the premises:

(d) "Government" means Government of State of Haryana;

(e) "Head" means the Vice-Chanceilcr of the university, principal of the College or Principalllleadmaster of the School, as the case may bc, head of an institution or Director of an educational institution, by whatever name called;

(f) "institution" means technical and professional educational institution and includes institution imparting education and research facilities set up by an Act of Parliament or State;

(g) "ragging" means doing an act which causes or is likely to cause insult or annoyance or fear or apprehension or threat of intimidation or outrage of the modesty or injury to a student and includes the following acts, namely:--

(i) abetment ro ragging;

(ii) criminal conspiracy to ragging;

(iii) unlawful assembly and rioting while ragging:

(iv) public nuisance created during ragging;

(v) verbal abuse and aggression, indecent gestures and obscene behaviour

(vi) outraging the modesty;

(vii) injury to body, causing hurt or grievous hurt;

(viii) wrongful restraint;

(ix) wrongful confinement;

(x) use of criminal force;

(xi) assault as well as sexual offence;

(xii) extortion;

(xiii) trespass;

(xiv) offence against property;

(xv) criminal intimidation;

(xvi) physical or psychological humiliation; 

(xvii) defamation or throat to defame;

(xviii) any type of abuse through electronic media;

(xix) threat to commit any or atl of the above mentioned offences

(h) "State" means the State of Haryana;

(i) "student" means any person pursuing education in an educational institution.

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