No: 18 Dated: Sep, 10 2012


An Act to provide for regulation of admission and fee for technical courses run by a private technical educational institution in the State of Haryana and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Haryana in the Sixty-third Year of the Republic of India as follows :—



1. This Act may be called the Haryana Private Technical Educational Institution (Regulation of Admission and Fee) Act, 2012.

2. In this Act. unless the context otherwise requires,—

(a) “aided technical educational institution" means a private technical educational institution, other than a minority institution including a university, receiving aid or grant-in-aid or assistance in whole or in part from the State Government or the Central Government or any other local authority;

(b) “Committee" means a State Committee, constituted by the State Government under section 3 of this Act for regulation of admission and fee in private technical educational institution;

(c) “common entrance test" means an entrance test conducted by the State Government or any agency authorized by it. or an all India test recognized by the State Government, for admission to a technical course run by a private technical educational institution;

(d) “Council" means a statutory body by whatever name called, constituted under an Act of the Parliament for regulating a technical course;

(e) "Director General” means the Director General, Technical Education, Haryana;

(f) “fee” means all kind of fee chargeable by a private technical educational institution from student, by whatever name called, including inter alia admission fee. tuition fee, development charges, transport charges, hostel charges, mess charges etc;

(g) “management category” means a category of seats comprising such seats out of sanctioned intake of students in a private technical educational institution, as may be allocated by the State Government to the management;

(h) “minority institution” means a private technical educational institution established and administered by a minority;

(i) “minority “ means a community declared as such by the State Government, by notification;

(j) “open merit category seats” means a category of seats except the seats allotted to management category;

(k) “private technical educational institution" means an institution offering a technical course and run by an individual, firm, company, association of persons, body of individuals, trust, society or any other legal entity and includes a private university established and incorporated by an Act of the Legislature or deemed to be university, defined under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956;

(l) “qualifying examination" means an examination, passing of which is mandatory for a student to get admission to a technical course in a private technical educational institution;

(m) “sanctioned intake” means and implies the total number of seats notified by the competent authority for admitting students in each technical course of study in a private technical educational institution;

(n) “State Board of Technical Education” means State Board of Technical Education established under section 6 of Haryana State Board of Technical Education Act, 2008 (Act No.19 of 2008);

(o) “State Government” means the Government of the State of Haryana in the Administrative Department of technical education;

(p) “technical course" means a course of study recognized and prescribed by the AllIndia Council for Technical Education Pharmacy Council of India or Council of Architecture and also includes all such other courses as the State Government or Central Government may declare by an order to be a technical course.

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