No: -- Dated: Jul, 19 2016




The 19 th July, 2016

No. 2/12/2016-2GS-I:-In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Haryana hereby makes the following rules regulating the terms and conditions of service of Government employees of the State of Haryana, namely:-

1. Short title and commencement:-

(1) These rules may be called the Haryana Civil Services (Government Employees’ Conduct) Rules, 2016.

(2) These rules shall be deemed to have come into force from 19 th July, 2016.

2. Extent of application:- These rules shall apply to all Government employees appointed to any civil service or post in connection with the affairs of the State of Haryana including-

(i) employees working on contract basis;

(ii) employees working on ad-hoc basis;

(iii) work-charged employees;

(iv) daily wages employees;

(v) any other category of Government employee to whom the competent authority may by general or special order, direct that these rules shall apply to them.

Provided that nothing in these rules shall apply to—

(i) members of the All India Services who are subject to the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1954;

(ii) employees serving in a Department under Haryana Government on deputation from Centre or any other State Government or any other source, for a limited duration.

(iii) holders of any post in respect of which the Government may, by general or special order, declare that these rules do not apply.

Note 1:- The Speaker of the Haryana Legislative Assembly has agreed under Article 187(3) of the Constitution that until a law is made by the Legislature of the State under Article 187(2) of the Constitution or rules are framed by the Governor in consultation with the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly under clause (3) of Article 187 of the Constitution of India, these rules and amendments thereof if any (after prior consent of the Speaker), shall apply to the secretarial staff of the Haryana Legislative Assembly.

Note 2:- The Chairman, Haryana Public Service Commission, has agreed to the application of these rules as amended from time to time, in the case of officers and employees of the Haryana Public Service Commission.

Note 3:- If any doubt arises as to whether these rules apply to any person or not, the decision shall lie with the General Administration Department of Government of Haryana.

3. Definitions:- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-

(a) "Government" means the Government of the State of Haryana;

(b) "Government employee" means any person appointed to any civil service or post in connection with the affairs of the State of Haryana.

Explanation:- A Government employee whose services are placed at the disposal of a company, corporation, organization or a local authority by the Government, shall for the purposes of these rules be deemed to be a Government employee serving under the Government notwithstanding that his salary is drawn from sources other than from the Consolidated Fund of the State;

(c) “members of family” in relation to a Government employee includes—

(i) the wife or the husband, as the case may be, of the Government employee, whether residing with the Government employee or not but does not include a wife or husband, as the case may be, separated from the Government employee, by a decree or order of a competent court;

(ii) son or daughter or step son or step-daughter of the Government employee and wholly dependent on him, but does not include a child or step-child who is no longer in any way dependent on Government employee or of whose custody the Government employee has been deprived by or under any law;

(iii) any other person related, whether by blood or marriage, to the Government employee or to the Government employee’s wife or husband and wholly dependent on the Government employee;

(d) "prescribed authority" means―

(i) (a) Government in the case of a Government employee holding a post of Group A except where any lower authority is specified by the Government for any purpose;

(b) Head of Department in the case of a Government employee holding a post of Group B;

(c) Head of Office in the case of a Government employee holding a post of Group C or D;

(ii) The Speaker of the Haryana Legislative Assembly; in the case of Secretary and the Secretary in the case of all other employees of the Secretariat of Legislative Assembly.

(iii) In respect of a Government employee on foreign service or on deputation to any other Department or any other Government, the parent department on the cadre of which such Government employee is borne; or the department to which he is administratively subordinate as member of that cadre.

Note:- The terms not defined in these rules but defined in Haryana Civil Services (General) Rules, 2016 shall have the same meaning for the purpose of these rules.

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