No: 25 Dated: Sep, 27 2016

Goa (Allotment of Plots to Certain Displaced Persons) Act, 2016

An act Whereas the then Government of Goa, Daman and Diu vide Order No. ES/1/64 dated 14-01-1964 requisitioned land admeasuring 35690.75 square metres in terms of section 29 of the Defence of India Act, 1962 (Central Act 51 of 1962);

And Whereas the Government sub-divided the said land and allotted plots to certain persons who were displaced due to acquisition of land for establishment of 2STC (3 Military Training Regiment) at Salcete, Goa;

And Whereas the Government has now decided to vest proprietary rights of the said plots unto the said displaced persons.

Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Goa in the Sixty-seventh Year of the Republic of India, as follows:—

1. Short title and commencement.— (1) This Act may be called the Goa (Allotment of Plots to Certain Displaced Persons) Act, 2016.

(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 20th day of January, 1964.

2. Definition.— In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,—

(a) “displaced persons” means the persons who were displaced due to acquisition of land for establishment of 2STC (3 Military Training Regiment) in Salcete, Goa;

(b) “Government” means the Government of Goa;

(c) “State” means the State of Goa;

(d) “said land” means land requisitioned vide Order No. ES/1/64 dated 14-01-1964; 

(e) “said Act” means the Defence of India Act, 1962 (Central Act 51 of 1962). 

3. Vesting of land in the Government.— (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law, judgment, order or decree of any court, tribunal or any other authority, from the date of commencement of this Act, said land more particularly described in Schedule I hereto shall be deemed to have been vested with the Government, free from all claims, charges, encumbrances, liens, etc.

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