No: 4 Dated: Mar, 14 1953


West Bengal Act IV of 1953

    An Act to confer powers on the District Board of 24-Parganas far taking measures for the health, safety and welfare of persons attending the Gangasagar Mela and for levying fees for defraying the expenses incurred in such connection.

    WHEREAS it is expedient to confer powers on the District Board of 24-Parganas for taking measures for the health, safety and welfare of persons attending the Gangasagar Mela and for levying fees for defraying the expenses incurred in such connection;

    It is hereby enacted as follows :-

1. Short title and commencement. - (1) This Act may be called the Gangasagar Mela Act, 1953.

(2) It shall come into force immediately on the Gangasagar Mela Ordinance, 1953, ceasing to operate.

2. Power of the District Board of 24-Parganas to make arrangements at Gangasagar Mela and to levy feeds:- (1) The District Board of 24-Parganas may, with the approval of the District Magistrate, 24-Parganas, make such arrangements for the health, safety and welfare of persons attending the Gangasagar Mela as it may deem fit and may with like approval, incur such expenses from the District Fund (formed under the Bengal Local Self-Government Act of 1885) as may be necessary for such purpose.

(2) It It shall be lawful for the said District Board to realize such fee not exceeding one rupee, as may be determined from time to time by the District Board, from every person attending the Gangasagar Mela, other than officers of Government or of the District Board on duty, children under the age of twelve years, and sadhus, sannyasis and beggars. Such fee shall be realized in such manner as may be ordered by the said District Board and shall be credited to the District Fund aforesaid.

3. Savings:- Any fee realized, any action taken or anything whatsoever done under the Gangasagar Mela Ordinance, 1953, shall be deemed to have been validly realized, taken or done.

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