No: -- Dated: Jun, 29 1981


1. Short title and commencement – (1) These rules may be called the Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, 1981

(2) They shall come into force with effect from the date of publication.

2. Definitions – In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires –

(a) “Administrative approval” means the formal acceptance by the Department concerned of the proposal for an original work (other than a petty work costing Rs. 7,500 or under) to be undertaken for the Department either by the Public Works Department or the Department to which the work may have been assigned by the Governor. Taken with the provision of funds in the budget, it operates as a financial sanction to the work.

(b) “Administrative Department” means the Administrative Department of the Government of Meghalaya as notified from time to time.

(c) “Appropriation” means the allotment of a particular sum of money by a competent authority from funds placed at his disposal, to meet specific expenditure.

(d) "Class of Government servants" means –

i) All Government servants, other than ministerial servants, holding posts bearing the same designation in the same Department or Service, and

ii) All Government servants holding posts, which have been declared by the Governor or the State Government to be in a single class.

(e) “Financial sanction” means the sanction of Government or of an authority to which power has been delegated to incur expenditure of public money for a specified purpose, and is subject of appropriation of funds.

(f) “Financial Department” means the Finance Department of the Government of Meghalaya.

(g) “Financial year” means the period from 1st April to 31st March inclusive.

(h) “Grade of Government servants” means a subdivision, according to pay of a class of Government servants.

(i) “Head of a Department” means an authority empowered by Government to exercise the powers of the Head of a Department specified in these rules. A list of such authorities is given in Schedule IV to these rules.

(j) “Head of an Office” means a Government servant recognised as such by Government or the Head of the Department under whom he may be employed.

(k) “Non-recuring expenditure” means expenditure sanctioned as a lumpsum charge, whether the money be paid as a lumpsum or by instalment.

(l) “Pay” means the amount monthly drawn by a Government servant as defined in Fundamental Rule 9 (21) (a) (i).

(m)“Re-appropriation” means the transfer of funds from one sub-head of appropriation to another sub-head.

(n) “Re-curring expenditure” means all expenditure which is not non-recurring.

(o) “Subordinate authority” means any authority subordinate to the Governor or the State Government and includes a Department of Government.

(p) “Technical sanction” means the sanction of the competent authority to a properly detailed estimate for a work to be done.

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