No: 10 Dated: Feb, 15 2013



An Act to establish and incorporate a Private University in the name of “DIT UNIVERSITY” at Dehradun, Uttarakhand promoted by Institute of Management Studies (Society) registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860 at Dehradun, Uttarakhand to provide and facilitate education, training and research in the areas of Technical education, Higher education, Medical and Dental education, Legal education, Aviation education, Social Sciences, General Sciences and other areas of education. It is hereby enacted by Uttarakhand State Legislature in the Sixty-fourth Year of the Republic of India as follows :--



1. Short title and Commencement :- (1) This Act may be called the “DIT UNIVERSITY Act, 2012".

(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the date, the notification is issued by State Government in the Official Gazette.

2. Definitions:- In this Act, unless the context otherwise required:-

(a) “Academic Council” means the Academic Council of the University;

(b) “Authorities” means Authorities of the University;

(c) “Board of Governors” means the Board of Governors of the University;

(d) “Board of Management” means the Board of Management of the University;

(e) “Board of Studies” means the Board of Studies of the University;

(f) “Board of Examinations” means Board of Examinations of the University;

(g) “Chancellor”, “Vice Chancellor”, “Pro Vice Chancellor”, “Registrar”, “Controller of Examinations”, and “Finance Officer” respectively means the “Chancellor”, “Vice Chancellor”, “Pro Vice Chancellor”, “Registrar”, “Controller of Examinations”, and “Finance Officer” of the University;

(h) “Campus” means the campus of the University;

(i) “Constituent College” means a college or institution maintained by the University;

(j) “Career Academy Centre” means such centre which is established, conducted and recognized by the University for the purposes of acceptance of e-mails, internet, interactive talk, training, lectures, conduct of seminar and workshops, guidelines, consultation or any type of necessary help for students;

(k) “Director" of campus or Principal/Dean regarding Constituent College means the Head of that campus or Constituent College and where there is no Director/Principal/Dean appointed, any other person for the time being appointed is also included;

(l) "Distance Education System" means the system of imparting education within the State through any means of information technology and communication such as multimedia, broadcasting, telecasting, online over internet, other interactive methods, e-mails, internet, computer, interactive talk, e-learning, correspondence courses, seminars, contact programmes or a combination of any two or more of such means;

(m) “Deposits” means collection made by the University from the students under the name Deposits, which is refundable;

(n) “Dean of Faculty” means the Dean of Faculty of the University;

(o) “Department” means a department (Academic Unit) of a college, teaching and undertaking research in a subject or a group of subjects;

(p) “Employee” means employee appointed by the University; and includes teachers and other staff of the University or of Constituent College;

(q) “Finance Committee” means Finance Committee of the University;

(r) “Faculty” means faculty of the University;

(s) “Fee” means collection made by the University from the students under the name Fee, which is not refundable;

(t) “Government” means the State Government of Uttarakhand;

(u) “Hall” or “Hostel” means a unit for residence for students maintained or recognized by the University or Constituent College;

(v) “Institute of Management Studies” means a society registered under The Society Registration Act,1860, having registered office at 21 New Cantt Road, Hathibarkala, Dehradun 248001;

(w) “Promoting Society” means Institution of Management Studies (Society), registered under The Society Registration Act, 1860;

(x) “Prescribed” means prescribed by the Statutes;

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