No: 23 Dated: Sep, 23 2010


    An Act to provide for licensing of Nursing Home and Clinical Establishment and for matters connected therewith to ensure standardization and thereby achieving improvement of health care services.

    Be it enacted by the Chhattisgarh Legislature. in the Sixty first year of the Republic of India, as follows:-


1. Short title, extent and Commencement. - (1) This Act may be called the Chhattisgarh State Upchary agriha Tatha Rogopchar Sambandhi Sthapanaye Anu yapan Adhiniyam, 2010.

(2) It extends to the whole State of Chhattisgarh.

(3) It shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Definitions. - In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires.-

(a) "Act" means the Chhattisgarh State Upcharyagriha Tatha Rogopchar Sambandhi Sthapanaye Anugyapan Adhiniyam, 2010.

(b) "Clinical establishment" means a medical laboratory, a Physiotherapy establishment or clinic or a Hospital or any other establishment analogous to any of them, by whatever name called.

(c) "Clinic" means any premise having facilities for treatment of sick and used for their reception and not stay.

(d) "Hospital" means any premise having facilities for treatment of sick and used for their reception or stay.

(e) "Maternity Homes" means any premise used or intended to be used for the reception of pregnant women or women for delivery or immediately after childbirth,

(f) "Medical Laboratory" means an establishment manned by qualified pathologist and radiologist where Bio-Medical tests such as hematology, biochemistry, serological tests, bacteriological, cytology, histology genetic investigations or any other diagnostic tests are carried out.

(g) "Nursing Home" means a place where patients are treated as. inpatients with facilities for admission as inpatients for treatment of illness without or with surgery or conduct of delivery and also includes other gynaecological operations where women are received or accommodated for the purpose of sterilization, hysterectomy, or medical termination of pregnancy etc. with or without overnight inpatient facilities. Nursing Home would include any inpatient medical clinic, nursing home, maternity home, Hospital, old age homes and day care centers (any intervention which would require observation and ongoing care/monitoring).

(h) "Physiotherapy Establishment" means an establishment where massaging, elector-therapy, hydro-therapy, medical gymnastics or any other similar processes are usually carried on. for the purpose of treatment of disease or of infirmity or for improvement whether by modem medicine or Indian system of medicine.

(i) "Qualified Medical Practitioner" means a' medical practitioner registered in any State in India under any law for the time being in force for the registration of medical practitioners.

(j) "Qualified Dentist" means a person possessing qualification recognized by the Dental Council Act.

(k) "Radiologist" means a medical practitioner that deals with the study and application of imaging technology like X-ray and radiation to diagnose and treat disease related therewith.

(l) "Qualified Midwife" means a midwife or an auxiliary nurse-midwife who possesses any of the qualifications included in section B or C, as the case may be, of part 1 of the Schedule to the Indian Nursing Council Act, 1947 (48 of 1947), and who is enrolled as a mid-wife or as an auxiliary nurse-midwife in a State.

(m) "Qualified Nurse" means a person who possesses the qualifications included in section A of Part I of the Schedule to the Indian Nursing Council Act 1947 (48 of 1947) and who is enrolled as a nurse.

(n) "Register" means a register maintained under this Act and the expression "registered" and "registration" shall be construed accordingly.

(o) "Supervisory Authority" means the person or authority appointed by the State Government by notification to perform all or any of the functions of the supervising authority as specified under this Act.

(p) "Notifiable disease" means a disease which a Registered Medical Practitioner is required to notify to the Chief Medical and Health Officer of his area under the law for the time being in force.

(q) "Trained Nurse" means nurses who have taken training of six months duration at government recognize institutions. She will only work under the supervision of qualified nurse as above defined.

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