No: 10 Dated: Mar, 28 1876


ACT NO. 10 OF 1876

    An Act to limit the jurisdiction of the Civil Courts throughout the Bombay Presidency in matters relating to the Land-revenue, and for other purposes.

    Preamble:—WHEREAS in certain parts of the Presidency of Bombay, the jurisdiction of the Civil Courts in matters connected with the land-revenue is more extensive than it is in the rest of the said Presidency;

    And whereas it is expedient that the jurisdiction of all the Civil Courts in the said Presidency should be limited in manner hereinafter appearing;

    And whereas it is also expedient to amend the Bombay Civil Courts Act, section thirty-two, and to revive certain provisions of the thirteenth section of Regulation 17 of 1827 of the Bombay Code, which was repealed by the Land Improvement Act, 1871 (26 of 1871);

It is hereby enacted as follows:—

1. Short title.—This Act may be called “The Bombay Revenue Jurisdiction Act, 1876”.

Commencement.—So much of section four as relates to claims to set aside, on the ground of irregularity, mistake or any other ground except fraud, sales for arrears of land-revenue, shall come into force on such day as the Governor General in Council directs in that behalf by notification in the Gazette of India. The rest of this Act shall come into force on the passing thereof:

Extent.—And it shall extend to all the State of Maharashtra, but not so as to affect—

(a) any suit regarding the assessment of revenue on land situate in the City of Bombay, or the collection of such revenue;

(b) any of the provisions of Bombay Acts 5 of 1862 and 6 of 1862, or of 5 Act 21 of 1881 or of Act 23 of 1871;

2. Repeal of enactments.— Rep. by Repealing and Amending Act, 1891 (12 of 1891).

3. Interpretation-clause.—In this Act, unless there be something repugnant in the subject or context,—

“Land” includes the sites of villages, towns and cities: it also includes trees, growing crops and grass, fruit upon, and juice in, trees, rights-of-way, ferries, fisheries, and all other benefits to arise out of land, and things attached to the earth, or permanently fastened to things attached to the earth:

“Land-revenue” means all sums and payments, in money or in kind, received or claimable by or on behalf of the Government from any person on account of any land held by State Government under the provisions of any law for the time being in force:

“Revenue officer” means any officer employed in or about the business of the land-revenue, or of the surveys, assessment, accounts or records connected therewith.

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