No: 16 Dated: Oct, 01 1915


ACT NO. 16 OF 1915

    An Act to establish and incorporate a teaching and residential Hindu University at Banaras.

    WHEREAS it is expedient to establish and incorporate a teaching and residential Hindu University at Banaras, and to dissolve the Hindu University Society, a Society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860), and to transfer to, and vest in, the said University all property and rights now vested in the said Society;

It is hereby enacted as follows:-

1. Short title and Commencement.- (1) This Act may be called the Banaras Hindu University Act, 1915.

(2) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, direct.

2. Definitions.- In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,-

(a) "Academic Council" means the Academic Council of the University.

(b) "College" means any college or; teaching institution(other a secondary, primary or infant school or pathasala) maintained or admitted to privileges by the University;

(c) "Executive Council" means the University Council;

(d) "Court" means the University Court;

(e) "Faculty" means a Faculty of the University;

(f) "Ordinances" means the Ordinances of the University for the time being in force;

(g) "Statutes" means the Statutes of the University for the time being in force; and

(h) "University" means the Banaras Hindu University.

3. Incorporation.- (1) The Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor, the Executive Council and the Academic Council, for the time being shall be a body corporate by the name of the Banaras Hindu University.

(2) The University shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, and shall sue, and be sued, by the name first aforesaid;

4. University open to all classes, castes and creeds.- The University shall be open to persons of either sex and of whatever race, creed, caste or class, and it shall not be lawful for the University to adopt or impose on any person any test whatsoever of religious belief or profession in order to entitle him to be admitted therein, as a teacher or student, or to hold any office therein, or to graduate thereat, or to enjoy or exercise any privilege thereof, except in respect of any particular benefaction accepted by the University, where such test is made a condition thereof by any testamentary or other instrument creating such benefaction:

Provided that nothing in this section shall be deemed to prevent religious instruction being given in the manner prescribed by the Ordinances to those who, or, in the case of minors, whose parents or guardians have given their consent thereto in writing.

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