No: 14 Dated: Aug, 25 1990



    An Act to provide for regulating and controlling the commercial production of silkworm seed and marketing of cocoon and silk-yarn.

    Presmble:- Whereas it is expedient to provide for regulating and controlling the commercial production of silkworm seed ;;ind marketing and distribution of the cocoon and silk-yarn with a view to increasing production and matters ancilliary thereto :-

    It is enacted in the . Thirty-eighth Year.of the Republic of Inrlia as follows :-

1. Short title, extent and commencement:- (1) This Act may be called the Assam Sericulture (Silk-wonn Seed, Cocoon and Silkyarn Control) Act, 1987.

(2) It extends to the whole of Assam.

(3) It shall come into force at once.

2. Definition:- In this Act unless the context otherwise requires-

(a) "Director" means the Director of Sericulture Assam.

(b) "District Officer" means an officer not below the rank of Assistant Director of Serjculture Department of Government of Assam

(c) ''Cocoon" means cocoons produced by Mulberry/Muga/Eri/Tasar Silk-worm either green or stified, dried, or in any other state of condition and also include pierced Cocoons

Explanation :In this clause pierced Cocoons means a cocoon from which moth has cut out.

(d) "Cocoon Market" means a market established under Section 9 for the sale or purchase of Cocoons of all kinds intended for reeling and spinning.

(e) "Silk Market'' means market established under Section 9 for sale or purchase of Silk-yarn of all kinds after reeling and spinning.

(f) "Government" means the State Government of Assam.

(g) ''Licence" means a licence granted under _this .Act.

(h) "Licencing authority" means the Director of Sericulture, Assam and may include any other officer appointed by the Government by notification in the Official Gazette to exercise all or any of the powers or to perform all or any of the duties of a Lfoencing authority under this Act.

(i) ''Licenced buyer" means a person who is licenced to purchase cocoons in a Cocoon Market and to purchase silkyarn in a Silk Market.

(j) "Licenced seller" means a person who is licenced to sell cocoons in a Cocoon Merket and to sell silk-yam in a Silk Market.

(k) "Prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act.

(l) ''Rearer" means a person engaged in rea- ring of silkworms for the production of silkworm cocoons, whether for reproduction or reeling and spinning.

(m) ''Rearing'' means all operations from the incubation of silkworm egg and brushing of silkworms till the harvesting of cocoons.

(n) ''Silkworm" includes Mulberry silkworm, Tasar silkworm, Muga silkworm and Erisilkworm.

(o) "Silkworm Seed" means silkworm cocoons, moths, egg or young, silk-worms of whatever description intended to be used for the purposes of re-production or rearing.

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