No: 42 Dated: Jul, 17 2016


(Punjab Act No. 42 of 2016)

    An Act to provide for the conslilution of an Authority for preservation, maintenance, cleanliness, provision for supply of essential services like electricity. water supply. beautificationand monument lighting. sanitation, proper maintenance of roads and disposal of solid waste in the vicinity and around the ?pecifiedareas or sites. services/slructuresfor development and promotion of tourism in Amritsar

    BE it enacted by the Legislature of he State of Punjab in the Sixtyseventh Year of the Republic of India as follows: -

1. Short title and commencement:- (1) This Act may be called the Amritsar Culture and Tourism Development Authority Act, 2016.

(2) It shall come into force on and with effect from the date of its publicationin the Official Gazette.

2. Definitions:- In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-

(a) "Authority" means the Amritsar Culture and Tourism Development Authority;

(b) "Executive Committee" means the Executive Committee constituted. under sect ion 5;

(c) "Fund" means the fund of the Authority;

(d) ''Government" means the Government of the State of Punjab in the Departmentof Tourism and Cultural Affairs;

(e) "prescribed"means prescribedby the rules made under this Act;

(f) "regulations" means regulations made by the Authority under this Act;

(g) "specified areas" means areas specified under section 3; and

(h) "Tourism Police" means the Tourism Police referred in section 6.

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