No: 7, Dated: Dec 16, 1964
GOA, DAMAN AND DIU AGRICULTURAL TENANCY ACT, 1964 An Act to provide for the regulation of the terms of tenancy with respect to agricultural lands in the Union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu and for matters connected therewith. Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu... Full Document
State Goa (GA) Category Acts And Amendments

Enactment No. 1984 dated 14-4-1960

No: 1984, Dated: Apr 14, 1960
Enactment No. 1984 dated 14-4-1960 Public Assistance Department was created by enactment No. 1200 dated 7.8.1947 being a section of the Directorate of Civil Administration and its chief aim was to coordinate and exercise supervision over all the modalities of Social Welfare, either maintained or subsidized by the Government or other... Full Document
State Goa (GA) Category Acts And Amendments

Portuguese Code of Civil Procedure, 1939

No: --, Dated: Apr 01, 1939
Portuguese Code of Civil Procedure, 1939 Full Document
State Goa (GA) Category Acts And Amendments